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NewsWest for 22 March 2020

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK6AS, Mar 20, 2020.

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  1. VK6AS

    VK6AS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well this has been a week dominated by Covid-19 and attempts to mitigate spread of the virus both here and world-wide. Our hobby is often seen to be already to significantly self-isolating but yes we do like to be both educated and to have social contacts and so, unfortunately a fair part of this bulletin is notices of cancellations of meetings and events.

    On a positive note there is already a reversal swing that is to actually get meetings working on the medium that we should be using that is, on air. There are already many local and international nets available, but we are sure at NewsWest, clubs will soon be getting new nets up and running and we hope that they’ll keep us informed so we can publicise them to you, our audience. There’s information on assistance on this and running virtual meetings as well.

    This week is our contesting edition and we have four items relating to contests that are in the offing but for club focus next week we would like to hear of how your club or you as a self-distancing individual got on during the John Moyle and don’t forget to put in that log or all your efforts were in vain.

    We are not professional journalists, but our standards are high. We do not put to air gossip or non-factual information, more on this in this edition from Bob.

    All the usual segments are included, including some interesting information on changes to call sign prefix designators flagged by discussions at the ACMA and the continued wishes of our regulator to devolve Amateur Radio matters to the sector.

    Oh, and by the way no Banjos this week!

    NewsWest invites contributions to the news programme. You can send contributions by email to

    You'll find links to resources on the website where you'll also find information on where to hear the news, where to download it, how to rebroadcast this news and how to register your callbacks.

    If you want to join in, you can. Send an email to and we'll be happy to respond. Send your stories, tall or true, audio production, scripts, events, updates, membership information, meeting announcements, AGM alerts, contests, swap-meets and more to us and we'll happily present your contribution on-air.

    Please register your callback, either on-air, or on-line. Visit and click on the callback button.

    Originating in Perth Western Australia NewsWest is produced by WA Amateur Radio News for listeners on-air, on-line and on-demand.

    NewsWest audio (mp3) is available for download from our website, Click on the “LISTEN” tab.

    For Podcast simply search for "Newswest" on any of the major Podcatcher sites. Thanks to Ed DD5LP

    Whichever way you're listening, whether you're a licensed radio amateur or not, experienced or just a beginner, old or young, thanks for being here and thanks for joining us.

    Get your copy:

    NewsWest is broadcast and relayed across VK6 and far beyond by many transmitters and operators. Details can be found on

    The main VK6 NewsWest broadcast occurs at 09:30 WST (01:30 UTC).

    If you'd like to broadcast this news in your local area, you can. There are no restrictions on broadcasting NewsWest, other than that you must broadcast it as supplied without any modification.

    We ask that broadcasters advise us that they're transmitting the news.

    Our address is

    Producer: Andrew VK6AS

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