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New Operating Award Celebrates QRZ's 25th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF7WIS, Jul 18, 2018.

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  1. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Happy Birthday!

    World Radio Friendship Award#1353
    Granted: 2018-07-21 02:10:03 (KJ4VTH)


    • 5 Band Mixed
      10 Meters Mixed
      12 Meters Mixed
      15 Meters Mixed
      17 Meters Mixed
      20 Meters Mixed
      30 Meters Mixed
      40 Meters Mixed
      6 Meters Mixed
      80 Meters Mixed
    • 5 Band Phone
      10 Meters Phone
      15 Meters Phone
      17 Meters Phone
      20 Meters Phone
      40 Meters Phone
      6 Meters Phone
      80 Meters Phone
    KC1OCA and KB2HSH like this.
  2. W4KMR

    W4KMR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    #66, Thanks QRZ
  3. KB2HSH

    KB2HSH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you very much for these high quality and excellent awards, QRZ Team! I prefer QRZ to the eQSL awards by far. (Also a LOTW user)

    This new award is pretty cool...just earned my 5 Band Friendship Award right from the get-go.

    73 de KB2HSH
    Grand Island NY
  4. F5UJQ

    F5UJQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Merci à toute l'équipe d'avoir retenu ma candidature a cette sélection...
    Cordialement.....Robert (Bob) F5UJQ
  5. N8XE

    N8XE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks QRZ!
  6. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm not doing your awards, but THANK YOU FOR QRZ! It's filled some pretty empty hours for me over the years. :)
  7. RC3C

    RC3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    Happy birthday - 25th to QRZ.COM!!
  8. KG5QLS

    KG5QLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks QRZ and Happy Birthday!
  9. KD5PMU

    KD5PMU Ham Member QRZ Page

    It says We encourage you to take a look at the QRZ Awards Analyzer to see whether you qualify for the World Radio Friendship Award at this time or to see how many more contacts you’ll need to qualify.
    I cant find anywhere anything about Awards analyzer on her or QRZ cant some help me find it or maybe I don't qualify for these awards.
    please someone let me know something on this issue as I would like to try to earn these awards sometime.
  10. MM6WMK

    MM6WMK Ham Member QRZ Page

    nice 1 TY:D
  11. N4BAK

    N4BAK Ham Member QRZ Page

    You can find the awards link on your QRZ Logbook.

    1. Log into QRZ (The main site not here on the forums).
    2. Click on your call sign on the far right.
    3. Click on "My Logbook"
    4. When your logbook loads click on the Awards link towards the middle of the screen. qrz awards.png

    Hope this helps,
  12. 2E0JWJ

    2E0JWJ Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is it possible to see your certificate and also print it off? or can you only acquire it from QRZ by payment, 73 Dennis 2E0JWJ
  13. K7BJS

    K7BJS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    So I just changed my Call, and of course I now have a new log book, I do not know where nor how to access my old Log book to apply for this award.
    How do I do this..
  14. CO3VJ

    CO3VJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank You, QRZ Muchas gracias al team QRZ
  15. KJ6KK

    KJ6KK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I see an awards tab on others QRZ page, why not on mine ?
    KG5QLS likes this.

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