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New Operating Award Celebrates QRZ's 25th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF7WIS, Jul 18, 2018.

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  1. KF7WIS

    KF7WIS QRZ CEO QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    New Operating Award Celebrates QRZ’s 25th Anniversary

    It’s been three years since QRZ began our operating awards program and in that time, we have issued over 64,000 awards. We want to thank all of you who use the QRZ Logbook on a daily basis, and there are A LOT of you. At this time, QRZ logbooks contain over 245 Million QSOs!

    Our newest operating award is called the World Radio Friendship Award and is our first operating award issued solely based on communications between QRZ users. The award is achieved when an operator has successfully completed on-air contacts with 25 members of QRZ from around the world. The award celebrates QRZ’s 25th Anniversary by recognizing your achievements.

    We encourage you to take a look at the QRZ Awards Analyzer to see whether you qualify for the World Radio Friendship Award at this time or to see how many more contacts you’ll need to qualify.

    Thank you and 73 from the QRZ Team!


    The other awards currently available from QRZ include:

    • United States Award
    The United States Award is available to any QRZ member whose Logbook on contains at least one confirmed contact from each of the 50 US States.
    • DX World Award
    The DX World Award is available to any QRZ member whose Logbook on contains at least one confirmed contact from each of at least 100 distinct ARRL DXCC entities.

    • Grid Squared Award
    This award is available to any QRZ member whose Logbook on contains at least one confirmed contact from each of 100 unique Maidenhead grid squares.
    • World Continents Award
    The World Continents Award is available to any QRZ member whose Logbook on contains at least one confirmed contact from 6 continental zones of the world. These include: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania.

    Endorsements are available for Mixed or individual bands as well as Mixed and individual modes (Phone, CW, Digital.)

    QRZ Awards are FREE

    As a member of QRZ with a valid amateur radio license, you are eligible to earn awards based on your QRZ Logbook contents. Your QRZ operating awards show up on your callsign page in a special tab called "Awards". There is no requirement to become a QRZ Subscriber to earn operating awards.

    Fine lithographed QRZ award certificates are available at a modest cost.

    If you would like a handsomely lithographed and numbered certificate with QRZ's signature holographic seal of authenticity, you may order them directly from your callsign page. These certificates were custom designed for our members and have been reproduced on fine paper by a commercial printing company. They have a gorgeous, high quality look and feel that uniquely recognizes the hard work and dedication used in earning your award.

    Applying for an award is simple once you have the confirmed QSOs in your logbook!

    From your logbook, simply click "Awards," select the logbook(s) to use toward the award by following the instructions on that page, and select the award heading that you're interested in. From there you will be shown the analysis of your logbook for that award in the Mixed mode. If eligible, you will be presented with a Congratulations screen, and given the option to apply.

    To view a different mode, such as CW, Digital, or Phone, simply select the mode from the "Award Type" drop-down menu, and a new analysis will be completed. Like before, if you are eligible, you will be presented with a Congratulations screen, and given the option to apply.

    Note: Platinum Subscribers receive one complimentary certificate per year. Life Members are entitled to unlimited certificates.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
    AC7DD, RC3C, KG5QLS and 19 others like this.
  2. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cool... thanks! Just done, I'm #6 recipient! :)

    2194 total QRZ members confirmed.

    PD1RJH, RC3C, DO6JJ and 6 others like this.
  3. N8QQE

    N8QQE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank You, QRZ... just received my award. :)
    N4GST and KF7WIS like this.
  4. K0SZ

    K0SZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    #33 Good stuff QRZ
    N4GST, UW2ZO and KF7WIS like this.
  5. N0CEL

    N0CEL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I really did not check to see "Where I was at" on this, but I DO know this is really cool, and I appreciate the gesture for us...and the Award, which does look pretty sweet on our profiles :cool: Continued thanks for the services all y'all keep throwing our way! It continues to be a Fun Ride in this hobby. 73...Carl de NØCEL
    EB1BSV, F4HPX, N4GST and 2 others like this.
  6. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    #173. Click the award banner or tab on the bio page for details.

    Amazing how quickly that number shot up in such a short time.
    I was also impressed that a quarter of my contacts (~10k) uses for logging.
    N4GST and KF7WIS like this.
  7. N0CEL

    N0CEL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why Thank You kind Sir! I never knew how to do that. I am pretty sure, without looking, that about 50% of my contacts use QRZ for logging, also. I am still looking for someone to confirm KY!? :( TY again and have a good evening. 73 Carl de NØCEL
    KF7WIS and K2NCC like this.
  8. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    25 contacts seems kinda low. Perhaps add endorsements for 100, 500, 1000, 5000, etc?
    KE4HTS, KC8YRK, K4ECD and 5 others like this.
  9. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not that I am remotely eligible for anything yet with like three entries in my QRZ logbook, but where exactly is this Award Analyzer? I can't find it. Link?
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
  10. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Just applied for and received mine!! Cool stuff :)

    EB1BSV, KF7WIS and K2NCC like this.
  11. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    From the home page...
    On the right is a drop-down menu with your callsign.

    Select My Logbook from that list.
    Above the green Add QSO button is Awards. Click that.
    Select one of the color banners on the bottom of the next page. Which will then open and analyze your logbook.

    Be sure to select the different Award Types to re-analyze for other endorsements.

    VK6APZ/SK2022, N4GST, KF7WIS and 2 others like this.
  12. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    I agree - but I'm betting endorsements are coming.

    I'm just over 1000


    VK6APZ/SK2022, N4GST, K3RW and 3 others like this.
  13. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    K2NCC likes this.
  14. DD6DR

    DD6DR Ham Member QRZ Page

    A nice one, thanks!!
  15. N2IPH/SK2022

    N2IPH/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    #524 Thanks QRZ!

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