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New Ham Radio Software - FreeDATA

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5YVY, May 3, 2023.

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  1. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Introducing FreeDATA - the innovative new software development for ham radio operators! This new software is worth checking into if you want to send text and data files seamlessly across ham radio networks. Please note this is in very early and active development.

    Many aspects of this software and usage is still being worked on. There are not "set" frequencies at this time, but U.S. stations have been seen using 7.053 7.063 and appearing to be the most "clear" 7.082.5, there are suggested frequencies for other bands, but grab a friend or use their explorer map to make some contacts any where in the data portion of the bands.

    This video we explore getting FreeDATA setup.

    K5YVY JoeBrett branded thumbnail(3).png
    KN6FVK, SP6NIN and KL7KN like this.
  2. N1GKE

    N1GKE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Doesn't that just stink, like a dead rat!

    Plop down right smack in the CW portion, 7053 Kc's,
    think nothing of it and start QRM'ing everyone who uses
    that QRG on a regular basis.
    Yep, dead rat time again...

    What ever happened to the "Band plan" and Gentleman's agreement stuff, huh? Gone with the wind.

    Have a nice day...
    PY2NEA, K0UO, WR2E and 2 others like this.
  3. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Upgrade to Extra and join me in the ghetto at the bottom of the band. None of that jazz there, for now.
    N0NC, KL5TW, K5YVY and 1 other person like this.
  4. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is no Set Frequencies for this yet, the suggested Frequencies on the site works out for EU stations (where it originated). Most US stations have been using 7.082.50 . Don't be so quick to judge sparky. :) In my video I was on 7.053 in the start of this, but it came apparent very quickly that this was CW space and heavily used, therefore amateurs took it upon themselves to find a more suitable freq and went just above the FT modes to 7.082.50 and like wise for the other bands as well.

    I have added this disclaimer in the description of my video, thanks.
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
    N1GKE likes this.
  5. N1GKE

    N1GKE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was not complaining, nor am i in any way against new modes ect... There have been several modes that recently moved into the 7.050 block and it is tough going at best when conditions are poor. Thank you so much for your attention.
    Who knows, maybe one day I'll get lazy too and hop on the digital modes to see what my computer really does when I am sleeping or out walking the dogs... LOL
    Very 73 from a die hard CW op.
    WJ5FF likes this.
  6. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for noticing, we have to keep each other in check with the gentleman's agreement. As i only dabble in CW from time to time, I didn't immediately recognize that the suggested frequencies was slap dab in the middle of many CW nets and more, until I began hearing code any given time I was listening there. When I was making the demonstration video there just happened to be no CW going on. But again noticing this I promptly discussed with the developer(s) the conflict for us U.S. stations, and it was up to us over here to find an appropriate spot. There is a lot of digital out there, and I'm glad it's there because I have friends that suffer from constant headaches and/or hearing loss that prevents them from enjoying traditional code or phone modes, but as CW is dear to you, Phone SSB is where my heart is at, and it does get aggravating if the bands get crowed and a random digital signal comes alone (usually to purposely QRM stations).

    73 sir!
  7. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I nearly passed this by as data (outside of PSK31) holds little to no interestfor me.

    I was struck by this comment in your post "to send text and data files seamlessly across ham radio networks. "

    I gave this some thought and other than a jpeg file, I fail to see the need - help me understand what need/hobby segment this will fill.
    Obviously, this has some interest, as seen from the work to date.

    I look forward to your reply and my thanks in advance.
  8. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello Donald, First sorry "networks" should have been deleted out, that don't make much sense to me, but alas, as far as data transferring between users, this could be to share a small adif log, a radio programming csv, etc, etc. Now this could be much easier to just use email for right? I agree, but it's something newish, it's something different, that you can use your radio's to accomplish and not rely on any internet connections. They are testing store-n-foward feature like is seen in some other applications like winlink. I guess my best argument for "What is this good for?" is just that, Why do people use WinLink, Why do they use APRS, etc... it's just another tool to play with that only needs your radio and antenna ... and a computer to encode/decode the information. I'm first to admit, I'm not a big digital type guy, I rather actually use my voice, but I do get interested in new developments, even all the old modes & digitals just so I can say I done it and know how to get it to work on my station.
    I hope that was a well reply, 73 Donald - Brett
    WJ5FF and KL7KN like this.
  9. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    (Sigh) You used the word 'WINLINK", the subject of much love here on the board.

    My thought was that a high-res jpg image of storm/earthquake damage could be invaluable (setting aside high-speed SATCOM links) to local authorities. Also something best done on SHARES/MARS frequencies. :)

    I guess, in the end, 'value' is in the eye of the beholder. "New" isn't always bad, or for that matter - always better.

    I'm not a big data guy either, not my wheelhouse, despite making a living in IT for too many years.

    Oh well - thanks for the reply.
  10. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I feel so much less thoughtful than you after your reply lol. That would be some great uses. Opps about the "winlink" mention. I agree in the eye of the beholder. Appreciate the discussion.
  11. PD5DLB

    PD5DLB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Trying to setup the software, however, cannot find the code for my kenwood ts850s
    Anybody?? de PD5DLB
  12. NB8M

    NB8M Ham Member QRZ Page

    Being able to send information separate from Internet data is important because at some point either a Carrington event or EMP or world war or infrastructure failure is going to turn the normal methods off and render them useless for a long time.

    Those who protect equipment from these events and are able to establish alternative communication methods and connections will be the ones that will be able to share information (think medical knowledge, technical knowledge, news of current events and situations, status or families or welfare of communities) albeit slowly, when no other methods exist.

    Digital can move so much more volume of information than verbal given the same amount of time, so like it or not, it will always exist in one form or another. It might be good to get proficient with "a" mode or multiple modes to be able to make a difference when it matters

    I noticed that FREE DATA does detect certain levels of other data modes and CW and will hold off transmitting if it hears those present on the assigned frequency, which is more than quite a few of the other protocols can do. That IS helpful.

    I will be interested in anyone else's thoughts and info on the subject and thank you to those who have posted their thoughts and ideas about his here.

    Be well, best wishes to you and yours.
  13. KT4AQ

    KT4AQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have been trying to get my pc to open the install file but I keep getting warning messages and both my browsers will not open the file. I've tried Firefox and Edge but no luck with either on windows. I think it's something to do with the certificate from the site but has anyone else run into the same issue?

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