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myARRLvoice formed to question ARRL Code of Conduct, Board Proposals

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Jan 8, 2018.

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  1. KJ6UVQ

    KJ6UVQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    W5TRX and others:

    I am personally acquainted with several of the hams who have experienced what the ARRL is up to, either first hand or through considered research and interviews. Its real.

    So, to the hams in divisions other than Southwestern, either vote in new Directors who are not already compromised or lobby them to represent our wishes, not those of the new gang. Southwesterners, tell Gallagher's gang what you want (or don't want.)

    Dennis - KJ6UVQ
    WD8ED and W0DHG like this.
  2. N8GB

    N8GB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    From my experience in several organizations with "national" central governing bodies, more and more of these orgs are being infiltrated with people having their own agendas that do not necessarily meet the wants or needs of the rank and file members. This statement may come off as being conspiratorial to some, but these observations have been made in every single org I've been involved in and looking back, at many other orgs I've had a casual interest in. It is human nature (for many) to second the policies and direction of orgs for their various personal gain. That's why many laws have been enacted to circumvent such policy changes and "steering" of various orgs in directions contrary to the good of the body. The policies are changed within the scope of law, by folks determined to weasel their way past road blocks by skirting law, by-laws, policies, and rules & regulations. Only in one particular org with a large governing body, have I witnessed these attempts being stopped in their tracks prior to roots being taken that cannot be undone.

    It can be said "but they followed the rules!" and that is of course how they stay out of legal trouble. The problem with this is, people drop the ball at that point and don't follow up with what was "the spirit" of the org, prior to these minor changes, changes that occur over a long period of time, that systematically changes the overall policy of the org to something without having a reflection of the original org.

    I like to use the story of the Pot and the Frog to symbolize what goes on in this situation. People become content, they become acclimated to the situation and find nothing wrong with these "little changes", because, in the grand scheme of things, they're not "big picture" people (and I can't really say that I am either, but I dang sure can see in hindsight what happened to these other orgs).

    ARRL is a fundamentally good organization, at least for now. But what happens when ARRL no longer reflects what it once was? What then? Will everyone conform and the new ARRL become the norm? That's what anyone making changes wants to happen. Is it for the betterment of the org? I cannot say, as I am not in-tune with it enough to speculate, again my "big picture" short comings presenting itself.

    I will say one thing about it that I know in my heart to be true, issuing "censures" and otherwise ostracizing or disallowing certain people from being elected is a sure sign of a power grab. To the point, this in itself is the makings of a coup d'état.

    Do I still participate in ARRL? To a certain degree, I have and will continue. But I saw, on a section level, what goes on and I knew immediately to keep my distance, based on past experiences and an unwillingness to get involved in such drama. My "spidey sense" tingled immediately and I knew at that exact moment, the very first moment of interaction with leadership that I need to stay away.

    I've been the head of several state-wide orgs as an duly elected (and re-elected) president of such. I've seen the inner workings in each of these orgs and I have no desire what-so-ever to ever be involved in something of that nature ever again - with one exception, an org that maintains the spirit and the policies laid down well before our time and fights to keep that original spirit alive within the org, disallowing personal interests to drive the org in a different direction than that of what's good for the entire body.

    When a leader is witnessed to do things contrary to the will of the people, and for the leader's own personal benefit, that is the time to oust the leader and their cronies. Sounds easy enough, however, I've also found that those seeking power are usually not in it for altruistic intentions, making it extremely difficult to select quality leadership to replace toxic leadership.
    N8XI, KI7HSB and K0IDT like this.
  3. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    ...and that trust is fairly well justified. The AOPA provides real, practical services for pilots, many of which have to do with aiding the interaction with FAA, and advocacy efforts at FAA that bring real, meaningful improvement to the pilots' lives. A recent example was the 3rd Class medical reform package. AOPA worked on that for a long time, and finally got enough Congressional support to make it a reality. That kind of member-focused advocacy and follow-through is a significant missing component at the League at the moment.
  4. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Organized, dedicated, League leadership SAR.
    K0IDT likes this.
  5. K4AVU/SK2023

    K4AVU/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is the ARRL board members sworn to keep their lips sealed? I wonder if they are a kin to the Mason's? Very secret organization. I have been a ARRL member for over 65 years. Do I really have a voice in ARRL matters? I doubt it. 73, Paul K4AVU
    WD8ED likes this.
  6. K0IDT

    K0IDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Examples of FUD as it applies to this topic please. Be specific and provide links, disagreement with something isn't bashing if it's based in fact.
    KQ6XA likes this.
  7. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL absolutely IS a member driven organization. The ARRL DOES NOT have a "my way or the highway" mentality, The FCC does have that mentality. Once again I say... If you don't like the way things are going at the ARRL, don't join. But, don't stand around your finger and pretending to know what you are talking about when you don't. Go out and mentor a kid and teach him to become a ham. Be an Elmer. Stop trying to fix something that just is not broken.

    The ARRL is doing a FANTASTIC job and I am well satisfied with what they are doing all the way from the bottom to the top. Some things are on a need to know basis. I for one don't need to know what color sox Tom Gallagher wears on Tuesday. But, it seems that you do. Why don't you pick up the phone and call him and ask him? I have called him several times and my calls have always been welcome. I have never been told that he is too busy or doesn't want to talk to me. As a matter of fact, the second time I called him he picked up the phone and called me by my first name. That was more than 6 months after I called him the first time.

    Some of you guys are trying to give the impression that the ARRL board members are a bunch of criminals. They are not. They are doing a difficult job and they are doing it well. No one on the ARRL board or at any level in the ARRL is giving the appearance of impropriety. They are doing just the opposite. Everything done in the ARRL is above board and open for comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Some of you guys are very critical of the ARRL, but none of it is constructive.

    I am seventy years old and I have heard this same load of critical crap for fifty years. It was all a bunch of bunk then and it is a bunch of bunk today.

    Your choices are still (1) Don't join, (2) Join and vote (3) Join and don't vote. Personally I still believe that the ARRL is a well run, well managed organization that has done an exponential amount of good for ham radio. And, I believe that the ARRL has done absolutely nothing to harm ham radio. The same cannot be said for many of the finger pointing intellectuals out there trying to take destroy our voice in Washington. And while I am at it, let me say thank you to the ARRL for helping ham radio gain two new bands, 2200 meters and 630 meters in 2017.

    Well done ARRL !!!
    W4JHU, WU8Y and N0TZU like this.
  8. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    You do see the contradiction here, don't you? o_O
    WD8ED, W4ABC, KD5BVX and 3 others like this.
  9. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is no contradiction. If you don't like to ride in a car, get out and walk. It's that simple.
    W4JHU and KI7HSB like this.
  10. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    So how is that not a "my way or the highway" mentality?
    WD8ED, KD5BVX, W6KKO and 3 others like this.
  11. ND6M

    ND6M Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't confuse him with any facts
    W4ABC, KD5BVX, W6KKO and 3 others like this.
  12. KD2NOM

    KD2NOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The difference seems to be that he is speaking his opinion (if you don't like it, don't join, ride, whatever) and is not speaking on behalf of the ARRL when he says this.
    W4JHU likes this.
  13. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    So then it's just his opinion that is self-contradictory?
    WD8ED likes this.
  14. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is almost getting as bad as the democrat vs. republican divisiveness. Or hatfields vs. mccoys. Sheesh, lighten up everyone. It's a freakin' hobby. No one is gonna' die because of this weekends meetings.
    KI7HSB likes this.
  15. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    How so? What's wrong with having a discussion on the merits of an issue and its various perspectives? I guess I'm not seeing the problem.

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