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MorseLink- A online CW comunication software by morse code on PC

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by BI4MOL, Nov 25, 2024.

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  1. BI4MOL

    BI4MOL Ham Member QRZ Page

    To download the application and get a detailed introduction:

    Experience the thrill of Morse code communication with MorseLink! Our software allows users to connect and interact using Morse code over the internet seamlessly.

    Quick Start Guide for Beginners
    1. Select a Channel: Choose from one of the nine available channels and click the connect button to join the online server.
    2. View Online Users: The number displayed below each channel shows the current online users (visible after connecting).
    3. Start Transmitting: Click the "Send" button using your mouse to begin your communication!
    Sending Messages
    • Mouse Transmission: Simply click the "Send" button to start.
    • Keyboard Transmission:
      • Default mode uses the Q key for sending.
      • Customize your sending key in the settings menu.
    Transmission Modes
    • Supports both Automatic and Manual keying modes for flexibility.
    Automatic Decoding
    • Fine-tune your settings for optimal decoding accuracy. The software decodes based on your keying speed, ensuring precise communication.
    Online Communication
    • Choose from nine public channels, with only one transmitter allowed per channel at any time to prevent interference.
    Automatic Logging and Playback
    • Automatically records your transmissions, including time and duration, with the ability to visually replay your sending history for improvement.
    Visual Code Representation
    • Enjoy a waterfall display of Morse code in a visually engaging format.

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