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Midwest Tropo on 2 meters

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W0AAT, Jul 25, 2017.

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  1. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Am I doing something wrong? This morning the map is showing really well in my area again. I even got on my roof, with my arrow yagi on a tripod my VX-8DR 2m simplex. Vertically polarized. Squelch open. Didn't hear anything. Made some calls. Nothing.
    I've tried this over a few openings over the last year or so and have not once even heard anyone!
    I like the challenge of things, but I would expect to at least hear someone?
    Maybe it's actually not that great and the APRS receivers are picking up someone with a tower and power?
  2. N5ARE

    N5ARE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is all of the 2m tropo to be had on SSB, or can you do FM? What's required? This sounds like fun!

    It's my impression that APRS receivers have a much easier time picking up the briefest splorch of datamode than human ears do with voice. I dunno, maybe that's for someone more experienced to chime in on.
  3. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Both! (From what I understand)
    Watch that video embedded here, it's FM both 2m and 70cm

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