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Mathematics Needed by Technicians

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K2CA, Oct 22, 2022.

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  1. NA2CC

    NA2CC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Unfortunate but true. You can bet that within a year of employment they would tell the young engineer that his department is moving to another state and give them the option to move or adios. This in fact appened to a collegue of mine in Trevose, PA in 1977. He was so happy in his first eng. job until his group returned from a meeting with the suits all pale as if they'd seen the proverbial ghost. The bomb had been dropped on them. He had been on the job only 3mo.
    I'm not a practicing engineer any longer(changed course) but have come into contact with many managers and corporations and now realize a group of people at a BOD table is very dangerous. Maybe less so than is some other(dictatorship) countries but still bad news. I have seen functioning organizations in health care torn up with 'new management'. UGH. No offense.
    KI4ZUQ likes this.
  2. NA2CC

    NA2CC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Indeed, Tom. I have BS in ChemE. as I'd mentioned and already understood what a spectrum readout was for example. But we studied Computer also and of course math up to difEQ.
    I have learned much from my Ham buddies and love electronics, though it's been all IC's for while, but I have enjoyed the embedded stuff. Even programming in C beats Fortran(ouch). In fact, I had studied digital electronics on my own before becoming a Ham and understood for example the Tayloe receivers system used in the OCX for example. I'm an MD who has even programmed 32 bit using raw C in hex and binary. Our Hornet club engineer even oriented me to programming in ASM.
    I've learned a bit about Audio as well and one club member is a retired machinist. I'm honored to be part of NB6GC USS Hornet ARC where I've learned much about carriers and getting around in them. Yes, I hit my head even though I am short. Really, my post college life has been quite a ride. We also have musicians as well two in Benicia Club and myself on the Hornet.
    I've been reading lately about relativity(actually in 2005) but also about space/time. Some of that math is a bit much, not unlike Maxwell.
    So, the journey goes on as long as I have the mental ability.
  3. K4FMH

    K4FMH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Michael,

    Is this NSF grant through a university? If so, which one and what is the grant # from NSF?


  4. AB2RA

    AB2RA Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. AE7XG

    AE7XG Ham Member QRZ Page

    As A retired auto tech and A mentor to younger tech's comming into the buisness I have always stressed the importance of MATH in the work place.
    It has been my experence that all of us are lacking in Math skills. Not all could tell me the difference between milliseconds or millimeters. Go figure...

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