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looking for a long-silent key: "Winston" in Chikasaw AL

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by KK4NSF, Dec 8, 2015.

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  1. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Many years ago I was mentored in ham radio by a long-lost uncle named "Winston" who lived in Chikasaw Alabama. He was a well-skilled ham, who built a lot of his own equipment, and was patient with those he mentored. He was the one who first showed me how wonderful Ham Radio could be.

    As things happen, I lost touch with that entire side of my family when my Mom died in 1968... and never saw hm again. Over the years I've often wondered what ever became of Uncle Winston... and if any other Hams remember him.

    I don't know whatt his call sign was, nor do I even know his last name. All I recall is that he was a member of a local club that required he build his own transmitter.... and he lived in Chikasaw Alabama in the mid-1960's.

    Any help in filling in this bit of missing history would be greatly appreciated.
  2. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    KK4NSF likes this.
  3. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lee.... thank very much for your help. Your help goes a long way in helping me remember and honor an important influence in my life.

    If anyone out there knew him, I'd love to hear from them.

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
    K2HAT likes this.

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