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LearnMorse Code Online - 20 days to learn 40 characters

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N5HZR, Sep 8, 2016.

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  1. N5HZR

    N5HZR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You want to learn Samuel F. B. Morse's (shown here) most famous code. We want to help. The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) has developed, and is hosting a series of web pages, located at to help you learn Morse code in about twenty 30 minute lessons, and then continue to practice these skills for another 20 lessons. On the first day we'll introduce two characters, the letters K and M, at 20 words per minute. Think of this as if you're learning the sounds 'momma' and 'dada', as an infant. You'll listen to these characters, learning to hear, and differentiate their two sounds, during the first lesson. Then, you'll come back the next day and listen to 2 new characters in 5 lessons of 5 minutes each. You don't have to listen all at one time. Listen to a couple at breakfast, one at lunch, and the last two in the evening, if you like.


    Each day you'll build on the characters you already know. During the first week, you may feel frustrated or have trouble hearing each individual character. Typically, by day 5 or so, you will start to notice that the characters are 'slowing down', and you can differentiate the characters. In reality, you're simply learning to hear these tones. This is typically known as the Koch method, and has been used for years to teach code to amateurs, and professionals.

    To keep you coming back for more, you can sign up for an email reminder service that will send you daily reminder messages, to keep coming back for more. This browser based service runs on all known browsers, and mobile devices, and requires no setup. Take a look here, and sign up today!
    AG5DV, K4CGB, KG5HKY and 11 others like this.
  2. WA7DU

    WA7DU Ham Member QRZ Page

    1) Morse did not devise the code that carries his name--it was a product of the mind of Alfred Vail.

    2) That code would be the American Morse Code, which is obsolete even in America. If you want to teach something useful, you should teach the International Morse code.
    NY7Q likes this.
  3. N9AS

    N9AS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I like it
    N5HZR likes this.
  4. NU4R

    NU4R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good post,Mark. Over the past year or so and because of ever-expanding ranks of poor operators and hot-heads of the voice bands, I've spent as much time back on MORSE CODE.(BUT MAN! WAS I RUSTY!) And, in spite of the continuing dismal band condition, have found the same success and enjoyment I used to find with MORSE FREAKING CODE! With the limited amount of time I have to spend with ham radio, enjoyment is what it's all about!

    Learn...or RELEARN...the MORSE CODE FOLKS! And, whatever derivative of MORSE CODE you decide to embrace!

    We'll know "what you're talking about!"


    Greg NU4R
    VE3EEI, K3AN, KK4NSF and 1 other person like this.
  5. F4HPX

    F4HPX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the post.
    Yes, I have to. The most difficult is ... to begin.

    Thomas F4HPX
    VE3EEI, K3AN and N5HZR like this.
  6. N0SAP

    N0SAP Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have to want to learn, not just CW, but anything in life, you need the desire to succeed. Once you learn transfer that to "On The Air" experience. Remember, it's not a speed contest, it's about communicating and having fun. Once you learn, do not stop. I think that has been the downfall of many who try CW. It takes YEARS to perfect this skill, and it is a skill, but the most important thing is to have fun. NEVER be ashamed to ask an operator to QRS (slow down) and experienced operators need to match the sending speed of the other operator. We know you are great, give the other guy a break to enjoy CW like you. Now go out there and rule the world because a lot of rare DX does not use SSB.
    VE3EEI, K3AN, KK4NSF and 3 others like this.
  7. N6UG

    N6UG Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm one of those operators that said I'd never learn Morse Code. Well never say never!

    I've spent the last year starting my Morse Code journey and I'm having a blast! I've met all kinds of operators from new to experienced and I always have a good experience. I'm sure some of those operators will be glad when my skills improve. I hope more people find the joy in Morse Code.

    Everyday I practice offline and then try to find a couple of QSO's. In these poor band conditions, it's easier to work Morse Code than SSB.

    To those experienced operators that have been supportive and patient, thank you!

    Birton Ray, N6UG
    VE3EEI, KC9ZKM and N5HZR like this.
  8. KB5SXC

    KB5SXC Ham Member QRZ Page

    1) Morse did not devise the code that carries his name--it was a product of the mind of Alfred Vail.

    2) That code would be the American Morse Code, which is obsolete even in America. If you want to teach something useful, you should teach the International Morse code.[/QUOTE]

    American Morse is far from obsolete. You just have to be bright enough to connect to landlines, or use the MorseKOB program.

    KOB is Key on board a Sounder. Yes Vail, modified or created American Morse as an employee of Morse.
    Hence Morse got the credit, I would think this is like Steve Jobs getting credit for all of the things
    He absolutely did not conceive of nor invent.

    N5HZR likes this.
  9. N0ANT

    N0ANT Guest

    SAP, You're the MAN.

    Randy N0ANT
    N5HZR likes this.
  10. WC3T

    WC3T Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm confused. This course appears to be teaching International Morse Code. What are you referring to when you discuss the American Morse Code in relation to the LearnMorse Code page?
    AK5B, N5HZR, KK6FGM and 1 other person like this.
  11. KB0TT

    KB0TT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here is , yet another , stab @ teaching morse code ..... There have only been a ' gazillion '
    new ways to tackle the ' beast ' ....

    Why not ? What the heck ! Give it a shot .... You have nothing to lose ( I guess ) ....

    Just remember : The international morse code has been in existence for over 100
    years .... It has been learned by MANY people the world over BEFORE the
    computer was invented ... I am one of those people ..... Just use whatever
    learning tool you prefer ..... As others on this thread have stated , it is a
    rewarding mode .... It is simple , yet , EFFECTIVE ......

    Check out the cw forum on this QRZ site for more advice ....

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
    AD5KO and N5HZR like this.
  12. KB3WGE

    KB3WGE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was in the process of learning the code...well things just happened & I got frustrated. With modern technology "Black Boxes" & a laptop all you need to do is type a little bit & the "Black Boxes" & the laptop does the rest in cahuuz with the radio of course. Encryption & Decryption is therefore accomplished in the good 'ol abs's on your laptop monitor.CW is of course the best way to get a message through when propagation & other factors limit voice modes,Respectfully submitted KB3WGE a.k.a. "SPARKS" Jimi p.s.73's ALL !!!!!!!!!!
    N5HZR likes this.
  13. KB0R

    KB0R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Years ago I taught Morse Code to potential hams. When I first learned code, it was from records in 1962 at 5 wpm. It was a struggle to get to 13 wpm needed to pass my General requirements, and about 15 years later I managed to get to 20 wpm for the Extra.

    When I taught code I sent code at 18wpm, a speed at which many no longer can hear dits and dahs but rather a sound associated with a letter. Most of the class learned quickly and have gone on to be dedicated cw operators and contest operators.

    The fun really begins when you start hearing words instead of letters, just takes lots of time on the air and listening.

    Throwing away the pencil and paper was the best step I ever made.

    So I heartily endorse the method suggested at the beginning of this thread.

    73 es cul
    AD5KO, WA7DU, KC9ZKM and 1 other person like this.
  14. N5HZR

    N5HZR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Larry, I just bought a set of 45 RPM Morse code training records. What a treat!
  15. WA7DU

    WA7DU Ham Member QRZ Page

    The original poster is offering to teach the SFB Morse's most famous Morse code. That would be American Morse. Morse had nothing to do with developement of International Morse code other than lending it his name, and a starting point (American Morse). Even that is a stretch of the truth. American Morse came to us from the mind of Alfred Vail. Vail was under contract with Morse to do the "engineering" for Morse because Morse himself was lacking in even the most rudimentary knowledge of mechanics and electricity.

    Morse was an artist, a painter. He was a good portraitist. He had the idea of an electric messaging system, but had no idea how to do it. He hired an engineer of the time (Vail) to bring his ideas to life. He put Vail under contract--one of the contract provisions was that Morse would get all the credit and all the publicity for the work done by Vail on the electric telegraph.

    Without Vail, what we would have today would be a numeric code whereby a number would be sent via telegrah, the receiving operator would then look to a "dictionary" where he or she would find the Engish language meaning of that number. That was to be the Morse code. Vail saw a much better system, that becoming American Morse code when Vail was ginished.

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