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Latvian Mechanical Key Activity

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by YL3JD, Sep 14, 2023.

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  1. YL3JD

    YL3JD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear operators,

    The 3th mechanical key activity takes place next month, you are all invited to participate again.
    The details:

    October 13th 2023

    Time : 18:00 UTC till 19:00 UTC. Duration 1 hour.

    Band : 80 meters, 3520-3560 kHz.

    Exchange : RST AGE/Type of key.

    Type of key :
    S for Straight key
    B for Bug
    C fo Cootie or Side Swiper

    CQ : “CQ MK”

    All further information can be found on:

    Looking forward to hear you all again with the beautiful music of the mechanical key.

    VY 73
    W9EBE likes this.

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