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Kevin Mitnick N6NHG infamous hacker - silent key

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N6HBJ, Jul 31, 2023.

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  1. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let's stick with 'hacker', which within hacking circles, is a recognized expert, not necessarily a break-in thief. See W9YW's post on same, which educated me on this point.
  2. W6RZ

    W6RZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    K6CLS likes this.
  3. N3EG

    N3EG Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's possible. Lots of phone exploits back in the day. Security lagged behind technology, and there were many who took advantage of that.
    DO1FER likes this.
  4. W9TNC

    W9TNC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wait... who says we don't celebrate Cliff Stoll? His book "The Cuckoo's Egg" was a formative book in my development. It's on my shelf and still a good read (holy cow!) 30 years later.
    An astronomer turned cybersleuth. It was a great read, and felt real, not "made for TV".
    W1YW and W9YW like this.
  5. W6RZ

    W6RZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    WJ4U and K6CLS like this.
  6. K4PPZ

    K4PPZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Funny you mentioned Stoll. I read 'The Cuckoo's Egg" years ago and recently re-read it. I was in tech in the 80s and loved this intrigue mystery based in the world I knew....and it's 100% true!
    RIP Kevin. Loved your lock-pic business card.
    W1YW likes this.
  7. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thankfully, our government now routinely practices physical security challenges to sharpen our defenses. Until people like Mr. Mitnick, and to a lesser extent Mr. Stoll surfaced telecomm and data network vulnerabilities, we had no clue that our systems were at risk. A bad actor, wearing a white hat gave us the antidote. Or, more to the point, diagnosed the illness. Thankfully, the games played yielded a line of defense that since then probably saved us untold losses of funds, property and infrastructural catastrophies. He began as a CA dumpster-diving kid. Something he and I had in common. Members of the white T-shirt kid crowd who couldn't afford even second hand technology any other way. Rest in Piece, Mr. Mitnick and 73.
    PY2NEA likes this.
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The illness had several origins. There are thousands of state-sponsored hackers in Asia. I doubt that they were inspired nor influenced by Mitnick nor Stoll. Their motivation is defined by the point of a gun and is not preventative. It offensive.
  9. VE3OP

    VE3OP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I won't be sending flowers. You didn't mention that he was arrested and charged 3 times not just once. He harmed a lot of companies and individuals.
  10. W1GCF

    W1GCF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why are we celebrating a convicted criminal on a web site of Amateurs. This is not what we are. As for his "accomplishments" - almost all of it was conman trickery, no particular technical skill. As for his work after he served for his crime - another grift. Exactly what did he do of value? He is a great salesman. As for the guy who posted that he is a "genious" - I submit that if you can't spell it, you don't know what it is. QRZ - this is a sad day you celebrate a criminal.
    W4WN likes this.
  11. HB9GWK

    HB9GWK Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is sad. He left way too early. He had a major worldwide influence on the public awareness of data security. But the grumpy guys obviously don't get that. RIP.
    KU5Q, W6EM, PY2NEA and 1 other person like this.
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, we are not grumpy.

    We are acknowledging that on the way to doing good he went to prison for his illegal exploits. Those are the facts.

    And yes, we all feel the sadness of his departure.
    KU5Q likes this.
  13. K5MPH

    K5MPH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I hope he dident for get his Captain Crunch Whistle he may need it Lol........
    W9JEF likes this.
  14. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    We do this because of his contributions after his youthful indiscretions. Tim Allen is celebrated on a website of Amateurs, and he is a convicted felon. If I dug around a but more I believe I could find a few more convicted criminals that are celebrated on this website and other websites devoted to Amateur radio. We can forgive, but don't forget as that is how lessons are learned.
    W6EM and KQ1V like this.
  15. K2WW

    K2WW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    There was 6:36 I'll never get back!
    Interesting? I don't see it that way.
    My mom used to say; The Karma cafe's serves you what you deserve not what you want !!

    73 all

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