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K6UNR Bart Sussman

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by W6BDW, Feb 19, 2022.

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  1. W6BDW

    W6BDW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bart passed away 3:00 AM Tuesday 2/15 from colon cancer.
  2. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page

    K6UNR a beautiful flag carmen TALL.jpg

    1 1 a beautiful funeral flower NEW.jpg



    1 1 a arrl candle.jpg

    N4FZ likes this.
  3. K6ZA

    K6ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    A radio buddy for many years and trusted friend. So many great contacts. I will miss his great signal on the air. Rest well old friend.
    N4FZ and K1LKP like this.
  4. K6AER

    K6AER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bart was a trusted friend and a great commentator on the HF bands. He was a friend of the 14.185 group and always we had wonderful conversation about a myriad of subjects. Has back ground in the movie industry was fascinating. We will miss him.
    N4FZ and K1LKP like this.
  5. W9RG

    W9RG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry to hear about Bart. We have chatted often for over 20 years. Joked with him that with his forth wife one might finally out live him. Sorry to see it happen so soon. As mentioned above he was a good guy who always had a lot of
    interesting things to talk about including his time in the movie business. Will miss our chats.
    K1LKP likes this.
  6. N6KIA

    N6KIA Ham Member QRZ Page

    From the Desert Rats days to Coachella R.A.C.E.S days and beyond.... Rest in Peace my friend
    K1LKP likes this.
  7. W8LJZ

    W8LJZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bart, K6UNR was a dear friend via radio, telephone, snail and email for many years.
    We had planned to visit Bart and Sylvia for an eyeball QSO this year and so sorry to learn of his passing.
    Bart was a remarkable man who was able, through his work in the movie industry, to touch
    the lives of millions. We love you Bart, James & Kate Patterson
    K1LKP likes this.
  8. W6AD

    W6AD Ham Member QRZ Page

    RIP Bart. One of the good guys. Always enjoyed it when Bart would stop by the group on 7255 and say hi. I think we go back maybe 30-40 years or so.

    andy w6ad
    K1LKP likes this.

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