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K2LJH Sid Wolin SK Nov 11, 2013 a Grand Old Ham and Gentleman

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by K2HAT, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Hello Friends

    I heard today, that Sid Wolin K2LJH is SK.
    Sorry to see Sid K2LJH pass away, Glad that I knew him.

    I was sad to see him looking ill at the Hudson Division ARRL Awards Luncheon,
    but glad that he was able to attend and accept a Well Deserved Award
    as Grand Old Ham 2012.

    I invited him to join me for a meal several times,Sid was always good company. :)

    Sid invited me to his home after a meal once and I spent a few hours there with him looking at his Ham Shack
    QSL cards and Awards and listening to him share some good stories about Life and Ham Radio.
    He was a good Elmer, and a Gentleman.

    Here are some photos put into movie format, on Youtube,
    from the 2012-2013 ARRL Hudson Division Awards Luncheon

    Please Share.



    K2LJH SK

    73 "OM" K2HAT Lee Hatfield Jr

  2. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    I made a mistake Sid passed early Today November 11 2013.

    In Memory of
    1931 - 2013

    Full Name Sidney Wolin
    Date of Birth
    Friday, June 12th, 1931

    Date of Death
    Monday, November 11th, 2013

    Place of Death
    Schuylerville, NY

    [h=2]Service Information[/h] When
    Tuesday, November 12th, 2013, 12:00pm


    Rabbi Ted Lichtenfeld


    Congregation Agudat Achim
    2117 Union Street in Schenectady, NY 12309 on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 12 noon.

    You are missed by many Sid, and leave the World a better place.
    Happy to have known you for the last few years.
    Gone but still in our Heart and Memories.

    73 OM K2HAT Lee Hatfield
  3. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Another pair of photos I found of Sid. :)

    DSCN3746 (Large).JPG


    73 K2HAT Lee hatfield
  4. WE2TCC

    WE2TCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I will really miss you Sid. Though I've only known you a short time, I will be forever grateful for all of the conversations we've had. I learned an awful lot from you. Thanks for being a friend.

    73 de WE2TCC

    John Apfel
  5. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Condolences may be sent to the Family of K2LJH Sid Wolin in care of his Daughter,

    Randy Fox and son-in-law Robert Fox. The address is 1195 Godfrey Lane, Schenectady, NY 12309


    73 K2HAT Lee Hatfield
  6. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Gone 10 years and not forgotten.
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