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K1N Navassa Documentary Video - Now on YouTube

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Oct 24, 2023.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The 2015 K1N DXpedition to Navassa Island was a huge undertaking, and one of the most successful DXpeditions in terms of number of contacts made for what was, at the time, the 'most needed' DX entity behind the unworkable North Korea.

    Bob Allphin K4UEE was one of the DXpedition organizers, and he produced the K1N documentary as his 10th DXpedition DVD. I got to participate as video editor and narrator.

    I talked with Bob about that program recently. He told me that DVD sales have slowed to a trickle. I suggested that maybe it's time to put the video on YouTube for everyone to see... for free. And he agreed, so I did. Here it is, the complete program, not just a preview or teaser:

    Bob was a guest on this weeks episode of HamRadioNow, along with regular co-hosts David W0DHG and Jim NO1PC. First in this episode, Jim shows some video he shot of the vendor area at the Pacificon hamfest. Then we talk with Bob about Navassa, Bouvet and some other DXpedition history and media.

    As we discuss on the show, Bob has a small inventory of just three of the 10 documentaries he produced: HK0NA (Malpelo Island), K5D (Desecheo Island), and K1N (Navassa). The rest of his programs are sold out (I need to talk to him about getting them on YouTube... we'll see how the K1N program does). Anyway, to clear out his shelf, he'll be offering a special 3-for-1 deal - all three programs for the price of one (about $25, shipping included for US delivery... international delivery is hugely expensive, and will cost extra). As I prepare this announcement, his website isn't quite ready for orders. It should be soon. Check out

    I'll add that I've produced three of my own ham radio documentries, also now on YouTube. Find them in this YouTube Playlist.

    And enjoy the show(s)... and remember, HamRadioNow shows are available as audio podcasts. Search for 'HamRadioNow' on your podcast app.

    73, Gary K4AAQ
    M6ECG, TA1TRJ, W9EBE and 2 others like this.
  2. TA1TRJ

    TA1TRJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. K4EAK

    K4EAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What a great video! Thanks for posting that.
    73 Skip K4EAK
    TA1TRJ likes this.

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