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JAXA/JARL to launch Binary Ham Beacon to outer edge of our Solar-System.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by GM4BRB, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. GM4BRB

    GM4BRB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) working in association with the Japan Amateur Radio League (JAR), have announced their intention to piggy-back a dual amateur microwave-bands beacon onto the forthcoming JAXA probe mission to the Kuiper Belt.

    JAXA artists' impression.

    The mission which will be launched May 1st next year 2016, is to include solar-powered 23cm & 9cm beacons which shall operate alternately, to conserve energy and reduce emissions.

    Both beacon antennae will be permanently steered by onboard computer towards the Earth, (inc USA), at all times, except on rare occasions.

    The Japan Observer Keiper Experimental Spectroscopy mission's primary objective is to investigate & attempt to ascertain at close-quarters the probable origins of our Cometary visitors, that of course originate in the Kuiper Belt, at the far reaches of our Solar-System, sitting at the very edge of Deep-Space.

    The May 1st Launch, via accelerated Launcher & dual Ion & Rocket Propulsion will schedule arrival of this unique JAXA/JARL space science & 'ham-radio' cooperative adventure at the Kipper Belt & Ourt Cloud in 2025. So you have plenty of time to build your extra-long yagis and modified TVRO dishes, whilst making provision perhaps, for some rather precise az/el adjustments.

    So get building and prepare to tune into some unique Deep Space Microwave Bacon!
  2. PC1MH

    PC1MH Ham Member QRZ Page

    If it doesn’t do SSTV I am out.

  3. KW0U

    KW0U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am so glad to be in a hobby which includes something like this. Good for JAXA and JAR for cooperating on this thrilling mission.

    Unfortunately it'll be a long way to go to get a QSL.
  4. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    April what?

    Enjoy your piggy-backed JAXA JOKES mission meal of deep space microwave bacon from the kipper belt with "Ourt" cloud (dressing?) in a hot TVRO dish ...

    Just a little too dry and flat Graeme for us Earthlings (inc USA); but at least an effort for the special day ;-)

    73 de John - WØPV
  5. K4NCT

    K4NCT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think that this will be a great experiment,but I think a better idea would be to put several active repeaters either on the International Space station or piggybacked on one of our many sattelites that are up there in our near future on different bands for some interesting ham radio activities....Bob K4NCT
  6. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    It will echo WINLINK emails too.
  7. AA9G

    AA9G Ham Member QRZ Page

    By way of providing some scale and to make a small correction. The Oort cloud is further out. Nonetheless, this project rams the cool knob straight to 11.

  8. GM4BRB

    GM4BRB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I got one. Someone bought it.

    I had a hunch the Oort and Kippers, I mean Keiper were a bit off but it added to the subtle fishiness.

    There's this little birdie that keeps telling me, perhaps the ESA (European Space Agency) will adopt the idea.

    Alistair McStewpot of the Glens, signing off!

    Enjoy your Kippers & Bacon!
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  9. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This makes as much sense as the last piggyback on the Chinese out and back mission to the moon. That thing was so low powered that only 35 people could report receiving it. Hardly worth the effort.
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