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Issue #33: Guest Column - Where Have All the YLs Gone?

Discussion in 'Trials and Errors - Ham Life with an Amateur' started by W7DGJ, Jan 17, 2024.

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  1. KN4XJ

    KN4XJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had a nice chat today with a YL while doing a POTA activation about this topic. I have worked more YL's in the past few years while doing POTA that the previous 40+. What does that tell you about nets, rag chews and contests, which I have also participated in.
    KA4TMT, KE7IR and W7DGJ like this.
  2. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    POTA is such a fun activity -- activating in the outdoors, or hunting with no pressure as in a "contest." Makes sense that ANYONE would like it!
    KN4XJ likes this.
  3. N2RJ

    N2RJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    One of my friends lost her husband early on in their marriage. He was a ham. Surprisingly she asked me how to preserve his callsign. I told her to take the tech test and apply for the call. As a widow she could do it, and she did.

    Since then with the help of local friends she’s taken her husband’s equipment and gotten on the air on local repeaters.
    N8FXC, KD7MW, KN4XJ and 3 others like this.
  4. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you Ria, for joining in -- a great mini-story! Dave, W7DGJ
    N2RJ and KE7IR like this.
  5. KE7IR

    KE7IR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What an inspiring story, Ria. Thank you for sharing it. Two of my three sons have applied for and obtained callsigns their dad had in the past. It is surprising how comforting it is to hear those callsigns being used over the airwaves by people that I love. I wonder if my 3rd son, who has a Technician License will someday apply for my callsign? Time will tell, I guess.
    KF7WIS and N2RJ like this.
  6. KE7IR

    KE7IR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I agree with Dave, POTA is a cool activity. It seems to me, that POTA activators are welcoming of hunters and this warm welcome would be attractive to beginning operators. OR, maybe women are just more confident today about trying something different. I am old enough to remember when fewer women drove cars, a woman riding a motorcycle was nearly unheard of, and so on. To be fair, a man providing child care and assisting with cooking was also rare. Not so today. The timing is good, I think, for encouraging people with equipment left behind to get active in Amateur Radio.
  7. N2RJ

    N2RJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is one of the reasons I am helping my children obtain amateur radio licenses. I hope that they can keep my callsign in the family. But more than that I am hoping it's something we can share, and that they can even help me make YouTube videos.

    This year we are doing an ARISS contact in their school, so that's another activity.
    KE7IR, KF7WIS and W7DGJ like this.
  8. W7PD

    W7PD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am just so proud of you Mom.
    W5ZIM, KE7IR and W7DGJ like this.
  9. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wish I could get my son to be interested in radio! For some reason, it's associated in his mind with "old guy stuff."
    Dave, W7DGJ
  10. KL4QZ

    KL4QZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    WELLL... my comment on the YL XYL situation is that I am the general in the house and my OM is the tech. The radio play is 100% me and he's "supportive". Happy to be a XYL and ham op! ~de KL4QZ (and KL4RA)
    W5ZIM, KE7IR and W7DGJ like this.
  11. KM1NDY

    KM1NDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just a little sidebar comment here...

    @KL4QZ You have the only QRZ page I ever recall being impressed by!

    KL4QZ and W7DGJ like this.
  12. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    ...except I don't see a key anywhere.:(
    W7DGJ and KL4QZ like this.
  13. KM1NDY

    KM1NDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Always the critic!
    (You're pretty impressed too, huh?)
    W7DGJ and KL4QZ like this.
  14. KL4QZ

    KL4QZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I KNOW... I KNOW... no CW key or skills. I should learn. THANKS FOR THE FLOWERS on the QRZ page. I hyperlink all my kit so I can share with others what works for me, AND so I can remember what the hell I have and where it's details are on the intergoogles. Making an over the top page is fun, albeit time consuming. Glad you liked it!
    W7DGJ and KM1NDY like this.
  15. W4HMB

    W4HMB Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was away for a while and just (the other day) resubscribed to Zed and was looking through the site and found, and read, the article. Then I began reading this thread and wondered how long it would take to find one comment that compelled me to reply... to continue....And then Bob decided he could make dust covers for all of his radio equipment and soon his friends wanted some of those.

    AR is full of a diverse and opinionated segment of society; our life partners are the same.

    As I have gotten older, I have sold off all my older gear and bought newer to newest so my XYL will have no real problem selling it off. There, so far, has been plenty of ideas here for her and she still thinks my hobby is "so noisy." I already have the notebook of instructions with photo, priced paid, suggested resale price and auction house to call for literally everything.

    KE7IR and W7DGJ like this.

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