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Inspiring Youth in Bangladesh: Amateur Radio Workshop at Govt. Science College

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by S21MOB, Dec 1, 2024.

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  1. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    On Friday, November 22, 2024, the Govt. Science College Science Club organized an inspiring Amateur Radio workshop aimed at introducing the fascinating world of amateur radio to the youth of Bangladesh.


    The event attracted 200 students from various educational institutions in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with a majority of participants being enthusiastic high school teenagers. The workshop was led by S21MOB (M.O.B. Jihad) and S21ACP (Md Sabbir Hossain).

    The workshop was divided into two engaging sessions. The first session focused on the theoretical foundations of amateur radio. Participants learned about the basics of amateur radio operations, the wide variety of activities, operating principles, and the relevant rules and regulations governing this hobby and communication platform. The second session was highly interactive and provided a hands-on experience. Students were divided into smaller subgroups and guided through the process of setting up a UHF/VHF base station. They also observed live QSOs and practiced using phonetic alphabets in real-time. Under the supervision of Control Operators S21MOB and S21ACP, several eager students even had the opportunity to make their very first on-air transmissions as part of a modulation test on simplex.

    This workshop not only introduced students to the technical side of amateur radio but also fostered a sense of community and collaboration, as participants worked together to set up equipment and communicate via radio. It was a day filled with hands-on learning, excitement, and discovery for all involved.

    We hope to organize similar workshops in the near future to inspire the next generation of amateur radio enthusiasts of Bangladesh.

    73, S21MOB
    M.O.B. JIHAD

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    KC3EWJ, KP4JM, YC4HN and 9 others like this.
  2. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page


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    N7XCZ likes this.
  3. W4WTS

    W4WTS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good deal! I worked S21RW a day or so ago, the first time for that country.
    S21MOB likes this.
  4. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks. Near future, hope you would here lot more station On Air from S2 Land.
    N7XCZ likes this.
  5. S21ACP

    S21ACP Ham Member QRZ Page

    N7XCZ and S21MOB like this.
  6. VU3HZW

    VU3HZW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Workshops ignite young minds! This is fantastic! Keep up the good work!
    S21LEJ, N7XCZ and S21MOB like this.
  7. VU3KFK

    VU3KFK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done
    S21LEJ, N7XCZ and S21MOB like this.
  8. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you very much. Most of them were school students. we hope to organize more workshops like this near future.
    N7XCZ likes this.
  9. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you.
  10. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good initiative to get the youth to this fantastic hobby. Germany needs those workgroups too, because the latest studies showed that the most failed the digital skills and further other technical knowings. A generation which is only able to click and wipe and just (no fun) 1% showed in the studies the required knowings. Poets and thinkers, that's history.
    UT7UX and S21MOB like this.
  11. S21MOB

    S21MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    We are trying to popularize this hobby among young generation in Bangladesh, We wish to organize this kinda workshop/Radio Camp near future again.
  12. WA6Q

    WA6Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    You Sir, need to be commended for your effort. What you are doing is outstanding, I wish to thank you for sharing this, the seeds you plant bring a noble future for all your students.
    S21MOB and N7XCZ like this.
  13. UT7UX

    UT7UX Ham Member QRZ Page

    They will always need someone to keep the click&wipe infrastructure running. Amateur radio is great opportunity for youth to meet engineering way of life, to learn smth [complex] for fun, and probably to make some good choice towards future job.
    DO1FER likes this.
  14. K9IK

    K9IK Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. AC0VA

    AC0VA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great job. Great to see the progress of Amateur Radio in Bangladesh
    S21MOB likes this.

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