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  1. MM0NDX

    MM0NDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Past few days, team members of 3Y0J have been meeting up in Norway. They have been constructing and assembling some of the gear they will eventually take with them to Bouvet.

    Photos taken by AB5EB and LB1QI. -->
    N3RYB and K7STU like this.
  2. K7STU

    K7STU Ham Member QRZ Page

    This should be fun. One of the most remote places on planet earth.
    N3RYB likes this.
  3. MM0NDX

    MM0NDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Picture by Ken, LA7GIA who writes:

    After a successful system test weekend in Oslo at LN8W contest station, with a lot of hard work, equipment testing but also a lot of fun, some DXpedition jokes and stories, the team now are out for dinner in Oslo. A happy team, a lot of of happy faces - and we all look forward to going there and getting you in the log!

    All testing went very well! We will post an update later about the testing. Let's make this together - let's go to Bouvet!

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  4. MM0NDX

    MM0NDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  5. MM0NDX

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  6. MM0NDX

    MM0NDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    NEWS UPDATE - Ken, LA7GIA mentions that the 2nd deposit for the Marama has been paid. He also says: "The team is fully committed to go to Bouvet and activate this rare #2 DXCC. In 2 months time we ship the container and in 6 months we depart for Bouvet."
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  14. MM0NDX

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    The team have agreed new departure date from Falkland island of Friday January 13th. The team will assemble in London prior to departure to Port Stanley. All flight tickets for the 13 operators have been booked.
  15. MM0NDX

    MM0NDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

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