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ILMI 2017 EMCOMM Training scenario with WinLink

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Sep 5, 2017.

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  1. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Operators.
    On August 26 2017, I participated in an EMCOMM training exercise called ILMI 2017. The exercise was designed to mimic a terror attack on grid power and communications in Finland. For the training scenario, amateur radio operators were deployed with the goal of passing and relaying critical information for emergency service volunteers, and augmenting emergency communications for local authorities. Our tools for achieving the days goals were amateur radio and WinLink operators positioned around the country.

    This was my first live WinLink training scenario.
    This video serves as my after-action report for the event.

    Julian oh8stn
    WA2LXB likes this.
  2. KM4DYX

    KM4DYX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good job! One of the neat things that we can do with Winlink over here is send an email through a gateway that will appear as a text message for Verizon cell phone users (and perhaps other carriers, I don't know; everyone I care about uses Verizon).

    It's one-way communication, but could be useful in certain situations. I don't know if you have that capability in Finland, might be worth a look.

    OH8STN likes this.
  3. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That is a really neat feature. I'm absolutely new to WinLink and still have a lot to learn. It's definitely an excellent tool for the toolbox.
    Thanks for reaching out, and for the kindness.
    Julian oh8stn
  4. KM4DYX

    KM4DYX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey Julian, here is a data point for you: Just completed uploading email thru two 40 M stations just over 300 miles from me. Antenna was a dipole at 50 ft, pointed at the stations. Power was 2.5 watts. Conditions were "Poor."


    I love it when these major solar events arrive. Another opportunity to demonstrate QRP practicality under less-than-ideal conditions.

    (You know, WW II was fought mostly during a solar minimum, and things seemed to move along nicely. For one side, anyway)

    WA2LXB and OH8STN like this.
  5. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Actually, its funny you make this point. Since the exercise, I have not even tried QRO, but have also not noticed any need for it. I always have the amp around but rarely use it in my solar powered shack. For the most part, I seem to get better results running QRP for mail with the big dipole into HB9AK.

    Julian oh8stn

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