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Icom launch IC-7851 Flagship HF/50MHz Amateur Radio Transceiver

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jun 10, 2015.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Icom launch IC-7851 Flagship HF/50MHz Amateur Radio Transceiver

    Radio manufacturer, Icom have a strong heritage of building the most sophisticated Amateur radio transceivers. Decades of technical expertise and engineering experience have brought top of the range models from the IC-781 to the IC-7800. Icom now are pleased to launch the latest generation of high end HF transceiver called the IC-7851!


    The IC-7851 is the company's new flagship amateur radio and incorporates a new local oscillator (LO) design, an optimized roofing filter, enhanced spectrum scope to name but a few of its many functions. Raising the bar for HF operation, the IC-7851 is ideal for contesters, DXers and the serious amateur radio operator. Icom's new radio features a new LO design which utilizes a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) along with a Phase Locked Oscillator. This configuration reduces phase noise and achieves a reciprocal mixing dynamic range of 110dB. A 1.2 kHz optimized roofing filter overcomes the gap of a narrower roofing filter in an up-conversion receiver and greatly improves in-band adjacent signal performance.

    Read more about the new IC-7851 at:


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  2. NN1C

    NN1C XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not new...
  3. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Forget about the specs; does it still come with a complimentary Icom BIG GUNS leather racing jacket too? :cool:
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
  4. KD4MOJ

    KD4MOJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    News about 2 months ago.
  5. KC3CRY

    KC3CRY Ham Member QRZ Page

    For $14,448.95 I hope it comes with more than a racing jacket :cool:
  6. W4HUF

    W4HUF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not worth 15k in any stretch of the imagination...icom is out of there minds if they think hams are going to pay 15k for that radio.. it was a complete waste of time and effort to make that radio which doesnt even look like a amateur radio it looks more like a professional radio to me
  7. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd say what I think it ought to do for that price, but then I'd probably end up in the cornfield.
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    You mean THIS:)?
    (They do exist ;-) )

  9. N2RRA

    N2RRA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree 15K is a crazy number, BUT...........

    you all know if you had the money with out an issue you would buy it. Anyone who says other wise doesn't know what it's like to even have a problem like having to much money. Only reason you would complain is, because your just another window shopper.

    Like myself I'll still keep dreaming about owning a rig like this. If I ever can one day afford this rig....HELL YEAH I'd buy one. ITS AN ICOM BABY!!!

    What's not to like?!

  10. K4IIE

    K4IIE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ham radio is an inexpensive hobby.Have 4 HF transceivers and the cost is less than $10K.At the CES show in Vegas I saw stereo(2 channel) systems costing 1 million.$50K speaker cables and $25K interconnects.Also,$10K AC cables and $25K power line conditioners.Don't forget the watch guys,not the cheap Rolexes,but the $100K ones.A $15K Icom sounds like a good deal to me.K4IIE
  11. NU4R

    NU4R Ham Member QRZ Page

    And I thought motocross and /MM was expensive.
  12. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Roger that! The Icom hidden menu enabled external device psyche-amp, worth potentially +20 db additional perceived ego boost at any club meeting or ham fest. Certainly not a feature you would ever need to utilize Chip! :rolleyes: ... but nonetheless, drool-worthy way-cool !!

    73 de John - WØPV
  13. K7MIX

    K7MIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't be a hater! I love mine and my FTDX 9000D!!!! You always get what you pay for, and both of these rigs are the best.
  14. N7XCZ

    N7XCZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yea Im a Yaesu guy and if I had the money i would buy it!!!!:p
  15. W0RV

    W0RV XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Radio manufacturer, Icom have a strong heritage of building the most sophisticated Amateur radio transceivers. Decades of technical expertise and engineering experience have brought top of the range models from the IC-781 to the IC-7800. Icom now are pleased to launch the latest generation of high end HF transceiver called the IC-7851!

    View attachment 238150

    The IC-7851 is the company's new flagship amateur radio and incorporates a new local oscillator (LO) design, an optimized roofing filter, enhanced spectrum scope to name but a few of its many functions. Raising the bar for HF operation, the IC-7851 is ideal for contesters, DXers and the serious amateur radio operator. Icom's new radio features a new LO design which utilizes a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) along with a Phase Locked Oscillator. This configuration reduces phase noise and achieves a reciprocal mixing dynamic range of 110dB. A 1.2 kHz optimized roofing filter overcomes the gap of a narrower roofing filter in an up-conversion receiver and greatly improves in-band adjacent signal performance.

    Read more about the new IC-7851 at:


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