Tokyo Ham Fair had another high end radio from ICOM launched: IC-7760! Their tagline is "High Power & Clean Transmit Signal for Great Strength in Contests and DX Hunting". In one way, it is similar to my IC-2730A VHF/UHF radio. It has a separate control head and RF deck. In case of IC-2730A, the control head is meant for mounting in your car dashboard while the main part of the radio can be kept somewhere else in the car with a long connecting cable and power supply cable. Similarly, in case of IC-7760, a commercially available LAN cable can be used to connect between the remote control head and the RF deck. So you can have the RF deck closer to the antenna feed point and the control head on your table top. If you have a home Local Area Network, it is possible to operate from another room as well, without the need for an additional personal computer to interface.
To me, it's basically a 200W, built-in power supply, two-piece updated IC-7610. Probably gonna be in excess of $5K. They'll obviously sell some, but I think Icom missed the mark on this one. A one-receiver version of the 7610 at the low $2K price range would have been the smarter thing to do. But what do I know.
Either way, it seems a bit high end for me to try out! I was looking out for IC-7300 for almost one year. As I could not find a reliable vendor over here, I finally went for FT-710 in January 2024. I am happy with it and not sure when and if at all, I will go for a higher version, considering the very few DX stations I am hearing over here. Could be because I have constraints for a great antenna. But I liked the concept of connection over the LAN in IC-7760! I could work from another room as well. 73
I don't see this as a major seller. I love buying and trying new rigs, but what exactly about this one is any different from the 7610? Price double, having a detached front panel you cannot attach means its going to slide around with all the cables hanging off of it. One receiver. Just what exactly was supposed to be the draw for this radio. I'd love to know how many reservations DXE took, I'll bet not very many. I thought, when I saw the pieces at Dayton, that the radio would have a detached receiver that could be mounted very close to the antenna with a relay so the transmitter could stay in the house. Using basically the very successful 905 strategy. I guessed that at Dayton but was wrong. Unfortunately I'll be keeping my 7851 and 7610 for quite some time apparently as there is little to upgrade to. Peter
There's over 17 pages about this already
A detachABLE, rather than detachED, would be more attractive to me. I’ve got room on my operating desk. Still… Very high end, attractive stuff. Especially the smaller display on the upper right when set to help interpret how your custom filter response curves are set. if I sold my first born, a pound of flesh, the dog… Nah, still wouldn’t be enough, and the cat would miss the dog. .
Control head not attachable to the radio? Looks like the IC-7100 problem is coming back to haunt us, just like bad knob placement is Yaesu's chronic problem.
I have received mine from DXE, but I'm not home at this time to unbox it. We'll have the IC7760 on the Air in a few days 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
Dear all, I had mine since the 20th of december 2024, the IC 7760 SE. I have written an review about it in I have as a back-up the IC7610 which is a good radio too. But the IC7760 plays in the league of an IC7851 which I have sold. It cost half of the price of an 7851 and it's an excellent SDR and it's better than an IC7610. But please read my review and try it and you will know what I mean. That's my humble opinion, listening with my ears and doing only SSB and of course weak signal-DX-ing. Thank you. Best Regards. 73's de Alan LX1AX
Thanks for the update and review. The 7610 it's a very good transceiver combination. The 7760 as much newer technology, which should put it at the top of the class. The first few units came to the United States in the past 10 days they should be more reviews. I know a few other people that have theirs this week also in the states.
Only to tell: Yes it's an new technology, and yes I had also doubts about it. But now I love my IC7760 really and I have no regrets!