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Huntsville - 2023

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by WA4KCN, Aug 20, 2023.

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  1. WA4KCN

    WA4KCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Another great hamfest here. I have been attending since 1977, and this year is bigger and better than ever. Well organized.
    N4BCD, K0UO, W4NNF and 2 others like this.
  2. AA4MB

    AA4MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It was a great hamfest. And yes, I was pleasantly surprised to see it bigger - and the flea market was awesome. I was very disappointed in a particular dealer vendor, who had someone waiting on people who couldn't answer a single question, apparently. "Do you sell any non-switching (i.e., linear) power supplies?" That got a brief blank stare, followed by, "I'm not sure but you can look on the computer here." (pointing) I wasn't the only person who got that stock answer, either. I almost said, "Why would I want to drive here and try to actually find and buy something that way, when I could instead stay home and order it online?" I decided to simply thank him and walk off to the flea market.

    I've spent literally thousands of dollars with this particular dealer in the past and I just don't understand the lackadaisical interest on their part today. Perhaps they have reached the point of 'we have too much business to really care that much about working very hard for any more.'

    Sad and disappointing.
    WB4LAL and K0UO like this.
  3. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It was obvious that some of the people at the business you refer to were not from the radio side of the business. However, I can say all were polite and friendly and did their best.

    And they gave me a free Heil t-shirt. :)
    N4BCD and K0UO like this.
  4. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Huntsville has definitely made their mark again, with close to 5500 attendees. That puts them as a third highest hamfest in the US.

    They certainly have a great area to do it at, with good presentations

    73 from,
    The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
    K8XG, N4BCD and W4NNF like this.
  5. W4WTS

    W4WTS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I certainly enjoyed it. Not to be negative, but parking is becoming an issue to many, especially if you arrive after the doors have opened. Hope the powers to be can improve it.
  6. AA4MB

    AA4MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We arrived about an hour and a half after it opened. No issue finding parking within easy walking distance down the street - and for $5, too. I was excited about how popular it had become. We left around 1 pm and at least 2/3 of the cars at the $5 lot had gone already. It's really a decent venue, all in all.

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