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HR2.0 - Training The Next Generation of Hams, with Goodgame Ham Radio - K5ATA

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Aug 29, 2021.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Replay of the livestream where I welcome Steve, K5ATA, from the Goodgame Ham Radio and Outdoors YouTube Channel. Steve is a teacher by trade, and teaches Ham Radio to his students. This was a fun conversation to talk about training the next generation of Ham Radio operators.

    KO4TEO, M1WML, K0PRH and 2 others like this.
  2. KN4ACJ

    KN4ACJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is great stuff! I've been wanting to connect up with a local school (former sysadmin/computer teacher here) to teach radio to the young'uns, but not really sure how to approach it. The bit about "here's a bunch of scholarships the young hamster is now eligible for" is brilliant. Thanks for taking the time to share this.
    KI4RBI, M1WML, KC5HWB and 1 other person like this.
  3. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

    KI4RBI and KC5HWB like this.
  4. KN6JHT

    KN6JHT Ham Member QRZ Page

    The biggest thing young hams need is clubs with access to ssb voice transceivers, with antennas capable. FT8 simply does not offer the same thrill. Better yet college clubs with enthusiastic college hams connecting with locals schools.
    KC5HWB and M1WML like this.

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