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HR2.0 - RFinder M6 - NEWEST Dual Band Android DMR Radio, with Bob W2CYK

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Nov 17, 2023.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Replay of a lunchtime livestream where I welcome Bob, W2CYK, back onto the channel to talk about the newest RFinder Android DMR Radio, the M6.

  2. DG7RF

    DG7RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    a great vidio
    KC5HWB likes this.
  3. KN6SCX

    KN6SCX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have a Rfinder and its grate until you order 2 batters wait 6mon to get 1 never get the other and put in 40+ messages with no response at this point ideally just would like my money back because $200. is a lot to just lose so im going to ask my credit card company to pull the payment back do to this company's bad business practice of filling amazon and outlet stores and ignoring the individual people and the completes Thay have

    vary upset
    frank chaparro
    KI5BMK, WT2D, KN4QHZ and 3 others like this.
  4. KB1FUA

    KB1FUA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I gave up on DMR radios.
    I can do DMR (and C4FM) with my Yaesu and a pi-star. No computer needed. My tablet can connect to the hotspot to make any changes I need.

    That said, The radio looked cool but I had read a few reviews that told the story for me.
    G3SEA, KI5BMK and WT2D like this.
  5. KN6SCX

    KN6SCX Ham Member QRZ Page

    And still no word from them this company is a thief and should not be trusted ill never work with them again

    Attached Files:

    KI5BMK likes this.
  6. K8NY

    K8NY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Jason, Dude, you can make the most hilarious faces for the thumbnails on QRZ. :rolleyes:
    AD4ZU, KC5HWB, KR3DX and 1 other person like this.
  7. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Whiskey Tango I Forgot. Really. So, FCC licensed Hams buy a pre-programmed Android to use on the Internet or cell towers (both) for at least $1,000? OOps Whiskey Tango I Forgot (about radio)
    G3SEA, N4DJT, KE0GXN and 1 other person like this.
  8. KI5BMK

    KI5BMK Ham Member QRZ Page

    After doing my research prior to maybe buying this radio...I came to the conclusion to stay clear.
    G3SEA, KB7PTS and ZF1YA like this.
  9. NV8H

    NV8H XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why not just get Droidstar for free and place on your Android phone?
    G3SEA, EI6IXB, KB2HSH and 3 others like this.
  10. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why not just get a radio and forget the cell phone? :confused:

    All this digital stuff gives me a headache, and I've worked in IT for about half my working life. I just don't see it as 'radio'. Which, I guess, is a personal problem.
    G3SEA, N4DJT, K8NY and 5 others like this.
  11. NV8H

    NV8H XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    And that’s why I prefer HF talk all iver the world not internet required
    K7LZR, G3SEA, KK4CUL and 3 others like this.
  12. KI5BMK

    KI5BMK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Only good solar cycles :).......
  13. KE5MGA

    KE5MGA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I own a B1 classic, B1+ (B14) and a P10 and waiting for my B6, I can tell you, these radios are out of this world, a bit complicated at the beginning but once you become familiar with them it becomes so easy to play the game, these radios are worth every cent. Android phone, analog VHF/UHF, DMR, worldwide repeater book no code plugs needed, plus all your favorite android apps for HAM radio at your finger tips. Excellent costumer service, best support team and more to come. This is just my personal opinion, based on the use of this radios, I use the B1 (B14) as my daily personal phone.
    KI4MRC and KC5HWB like this.
  14. WD3D

    WD3D Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I can't find a repeater scanning function on this radio. Does it actually not have one?

    73, WD3D
  15. WB2JIX

    WB2JIX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I suppose there's a reason why these come up for sale quite often on here..............
    KB1FUA and KI5BMK like this.

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