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Having a little fun with a scammer

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WY4J, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. WY4J

    WY4J Ham Member QRZ Page

    If we all wasted their time, they might just go away, read on.

    A couple of years ago I was home nursing a broken leg bored out of my mind. So why not have a little fun with a scammer. Just like them, I made up fake numbers and receipts as to make him work a little longer. But obviously this is a first class moron as you will note when you read the absurdities I wrote to him.

    This is a scammer posing as a English ham and is trying to sell me an Ameritron QSK-5 switch. They love to assume the identity of a ham who does not have an email address listed on This way you are unable to alert the individual via email. They will also open an email address for themselves using the ham's call letters.


    This is his first email to me. My dialog is in blue and the scammer is in red.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: go4fpa <>
    To: wy4j <>
    Cc: wy4j <>
    Sent: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 4:42 am
    Subject: Ameritron QSK-5 for sale

    I saw your wanted AD on Ameritron QSK-5. Am selling my Ameritron QSK-5 in mint working condition. inform me if you are interested in buying. Awaiting your reply.

    73's de John.

    Yes, I am very interested. Do you have one for sale?

    Up for sale is an Ameritron QSK-5, high-speed T/R switch, never used (upgraded to solid state amp), new in box.

    This self-contained T/R switch uses electronic PIN diode switching to give you fast QSK operation from nearly any HF linear amplifier.
    The QSK-5 lets you use your linear amplifier for high power QSK CW, for packet, AMTOR and any mode requiring extremely fast switching between transmit and receive. Reduces excessive heating due to unwanted power dissipation. Helps extend the life of your amplifier, prevent TVI, RFI, key clicks, "hot switching" and possible severe damage to your amplifier's finals and other critical components.

    Handles 2500 Watts PEP and 2000 Watts CW in normal amateur service when SWR is below 1.5:1.
    Handles 750 Watts on continuous carrier modes such as RTTY, SSTV, and FM.
    Uses positive voltage keying up to +25 Volts.

    Comes with power cord & instruction manual. I am asking 300USD plus insured shipping to you.

    Hi John,

    How is the weather in England today? I hope you are enjoying all the Olympic festivities. I hope to take my wife and 27 grandchildren somewhere on a vacation but I don't know what city to visit yet... Although my wife is currently down with a cold, and my grandson who is in the U.S Navy just got back from Afghanistan but is currently serving in the Sea of Tranquility under the command of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

    I am so happy you are willing to part with it for just $300. This is a very fair price as these units go for much more new but I need the following option on the switch. Do you know if this QSK-5 also comes with the optional flux capacitor? Also is this unit able to withstand and generate the 1.21 gigawatts as this the maximum amount my QRP amplifier generates with .20 milliwatts of input. The QSK-5 needs to conform to these specifications or I would not be able to contact to my son when he is aboard the CSA Hunley on patrol at the Sea of Tranquility.

    Let me know asap,


    The QSK-5 come with the optional flux capacitor and it can withstand generate the 1.21 gigawatts. kindly check the attached pictures for more details. Get back to me with your full shipping details for shipment

    Thanks for the great pictures. Is a very nice unit. Is there a possibility that you might be able to send me a copy of the manual. I could download one from the Ameritron site but the peak reading integrated usb link on my computer dumped all the physical memory into the linear rote memorization of my USB memorization storage unit and now I cannot view or save any downloads until replace can the phone patch controller. I need to check the schematic to see if the QSK-5 will interface with the Atari 2600 unit in this system. I'm sure it is as most QSK-5 interface with the Commodore 64.

    Sorry for asking for so much info but although you are giving a great deal I hate to buy this and not be able to use it.


    I will include the Ameritron QSK-5 original manual when shipping the rig to you. Awaiting your full shipping details.


    I'm sorry but I need to look at the manual with the schematics or I will have to say no to the sale. I know you are giving me a great deal but I cannot take the chance of buying something I cannot use. Please go to the Ameritron website, download the manual and email it to me.

    here is the ameritron qsk-5 manual downloaded for you.

    Thank you very much for sending me the manual. Yes, it will work with my Atari 2600 system. Please advice how you would like me to remit the 300US to you.

    Please ship the QSK-5 to the following address.
    Jeffrey Dahmer's All You Can Eat Restaurant
    1525 Big Bird Blvd.
    Muppettown, FL 31555

    This is my work address I am here most of the day so is much easier for the shipper.

    Please provide me with your mailing information.

    Thank you,

    I will want you to make the payment to my wife which she's also in USA right now for a seminal, which she need some money to take care of herself and make payment for some document of the seminal before coming over to UK. I will want you to send the money to her via western union once i receive the payment details from you, I will forward the payment details to her so she can pick up the money at any western union outlet close to her. Once she receive and confirm the payment i will start processing with shipment and i will make payment for postage and get back to you with shipping details and tracking number.

    I have confirmed your complete shipping address. Item: Ameritron QSK-5 with manual, will now be ship to Name: Jeffrey Dahmer's, Address: 1525 Big Bird Blvd. Muppettown, FL 31555 USA as i will be shipping via Fedex courier and you will receive your items on 3-4 working days delivery immediately after payment. Kindly proceed with payment via Western Union Money Transfer with the below information -

    Full Names: ANNA FIRKO
    Address: 6976 S.Evening glow PL, Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 USA.
    Amount to send: $ 300USD

    E-mail to me the below information from your Western Union payment receipt to enable me confirm and receive your payment so I can as well pay for postage

    Sender's Name:
    MTCN(10 Digit) # :
    Amount sent:

    I will e-mail to you tracking # and other shipping information once I receive and confirm your payment.


    Thank you, the money is on its way.
    Receiver: Anna Firko
    MTCN - 485-027-4734

    Let me know when you receive it.


    I just send the payment information to my wife now and she said the money is not available for pick up. can you check the MTCN again and send me the payment slip for confirmation so i can forward the payment slip to her.

    Sorry, I was one digit off. I'm, old and this happens when I don't put on my reading glasses. Please contact me as soon as your wife arrives at the Western Union offices.

    Sender: Robert "Ed" Lee, gen. retired CSA
    Receiver: Anna Firko
    MTCN - 485-037-4734

    I am very concerned. Let me know as soon as she arrive at the Western Union offices

    I have track this money online but is still not available for pick up. kindly scan the slip copy of payment details to me.

    I have not heard back from you. Did you receive the 300US? Did your wife go to the Western Union in person? I think you are playing games. I will be going to the office in person this morning and request a refund.

    Robert Ed Lee, general retired CSA

    Am not trying to play game with you, Have been calling my wife on phone but she's busy at the meeting, I just want to confirm from her about the payment. I have already call and mail the shipping company for shipment of your Ameritron QSK-5 with manual, I have package Ameritron QSK-5 with manual for shipment just waiting for confirmation from my wife so i can make payment for shipment. I will get back to you with shipping details and tracking number once she has confirm the payment. Have a nice weekend.

    This is my last email to him:

    I'm sorry my friend but I just got my 300US refunded from Western Union. Advice your wife not to go there anymore. Besides, my friends Willie Wonka and Umpa Lumpa looked at my equipment and told me that I did not need the QSK-5 and that my radio already had a flux capacitor and could generate 2.1 gigawatts. So I do not have to spend the extra 300US to contact my son Tommy Lee Jones and his wife Jamie Lee Curtis where he is stationed at the Sea of Tranquility. Sorry for all the trouble I put you through. Good luck selling it.

    Robert Ed Lee, general retired, CSA
  2. KC8ZBU

    KC8ZBU Ham Member QRZ Page

    That was just absolutley great. Good job Ed !!!!!!! KUDOS TO YOU !!!!
  3. AF5MI

    AF5MI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Have fun, but do be cautious, as these are varying degrees of criminals you are dealing with, and they do have criminal accomplices working Stateside. You definately don't want them threatening you, which they could try if they want to turn the tables. It's likely they know where you live if they have your callsign.
    Just a tempering thought...

    And while it's tempting to think that causing them grief will make them give up, this is really a pure economics issue: supply and demand.
    As long as there are folks falling prey to these scams - and it's usually the greed factor that does them in - these scammers will continue to exist. Run a scam on a thousand folks, and if only one bites, then in many of these global cases where a few hundred dollars is alot of money, it was a profitable enterprise in their minds.

    Only when folks stop going for these scams will these scams die off...
  4. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page did the wife enjoy the 'seminal'?

    I shudder to think what that is supposed to mean...


    BTW, I have a QSK-5 that is sitting around, and could sell you.



    Chip W1YW

    NO20CALLSIG Guest

    hahaha well done mon General , I did experiance something similar over here in Europe , those people belong to a so called Nigerian connection, they do come up and offer what you are looking for ... and payment yes by Western Union only
    vy 73`s de peter DM2LI
  6. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I get a caller on my cell phone that is not in my contact list I answer, "Central Dispatch, do you need a Fireman, Police man, or Ambulance?" I usually hear a click before I get to say Ambulance.
  7. W7ARX

    W7ARX Guest

  8. N6YW

    N6YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    That was brilliant and very funny. I have the distinct feeling he's the same idiot who failed miserably in trying to scam me into
    buying a radio from him. I actually enjoyed it. I enjoyed sending his IP address to the Feds even better. :)
    A complete imbecile.
    Thank you for sharing. "Jeffrey Dahmer's all you can eat restaurant"... a real classic.
    73 de Billy N6YW
  9. KD4MOJ

    KD4MOJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I would hate to see what's breaded and put in the fryer...

  10. W6MCN

    W6MCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great job stringing him along. I do understand your 'age' and am pleased that you have moved from pony express to internet.

  11. N6YW

    N6YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    "How is the weather in England today? I hope you are enjoying all the Olympic festivities. I hope to take my wife and 27 grandchildren somewhere on a vacation but I don't know what city to visit yet... Although my wife is currently down with a cold, and my grandson who is in the U.S Navy just got back from Afghanistan but is currently serving in the Sea of Tranquility under the command of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin."

    I reread the post and I almost died from laughter. This is seriously funny stuff. We need more of these types of posts online.
    Thanks again. Made my day!
    73 de Billy N6YW
  12. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations Gen. Lee, and my regards to your son on board the Hunley. You'd think he'd know that the QSK-5 uses a framistam rather than a flux capacitor to do it's encabulation.
  13. KB3SYY

    KB3SYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I do not need the rig,just the flux capacitor. Please advise on price.
  14. KW0U

    KW0U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very funny, but AF5MI is correct that these characters have been known to use Stateside accomplices to threaten folks, so I'd be careful about doing this. Anyway, this reminds me of another series of letters I saw online where a fellow sent a William Shatner picture to the scammer and kept a long conversation going as "Mr. Kirk".
  15. KM3F

    KM3F Ham Member QRZ Page

    This person is the same one Fred strung along in his thread about buying a radio.
    Read his thread and see the same when it comes to sending money to wife.
    Good luck.
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