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HamXposition NE flea market access

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by KC1QKM, Jul 23, 2022.

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  1. KC1QKM

    KC1QKM Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is upcoming and I was told you have to buy a ticket ($18) just to browse the flea market.

    Is this normal? Seems a bit steep just to walk around a flea market for a chance to buy used gear.

    I had planned on bringing a couple friends who are interested in gear, but not the talks (which I am interested in), but if they have to lay out $18/each I know they wont go.

    Again, my first this normal operating procedure?
  2. KC1HLU

    KC1HLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    The admission covers all exhibits, seminars and flea market. They don't have separate prices for each type of event.
    K2HAT likes this.
  3. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Yes been that way for years. I think it was $15 admission a few years ago.

    If you want to sell as a tailgater then you have to buy both an admission ticket and pay extra for a Flea Market, tailgaters spot.

    I attended about 6 or 7 years and always had a good time. I would go this year but its 1400 miles away from my FL permanent home.

    Sundays at the old Boxboro location the flea market attendance was WAY less than Saturday.

    If you do go, take the time to go look at the inside vendors too!!

    Have a great time! 73 K2HAT EL97
  4. N1OTY

    N1OTY Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Northeast Ham Expo has always been top notch. A few years ago, I did all three days with the special hotel rate and went to both banquets. A lot of fun. I'm only going for one day this year (Saturday) and recommend Saturday attendance if you only go one day. Saturday has the biggest number of sellers in the flea area and the largest number of forums.

    Bear in mind that the group behind this expo uses this to fund a lot of scholarships.

    KC1HLU likes this.
  5. N1LOU

    N1LOU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I went today and was fairly dissatisfied. I like to go and get hands on with radios. There was virtually none of that today in the exhibition hall. Elecraft and Rfinder were the only manufacturers represented. The HRO guys didn't have any radios set up to test out. The flea market was pretty sparse. Not many sellers today.
  6. KC1HLU

    KC1HLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    IIRC in 2019 Yaesu, Flex, KX, and Icom were there and rigs were setup.

    I suspect that Covid paranoia is still running very deep in companies.

    Like you, I was surprised and disappointed in how few vendors were setup in the exhibition area.

    The flea market had a decent number of tables/setups on Saturday, but many don't do Sunday since it is a "short day".

    The entire event seems to be building back up post-Covid, but it may take a few more years before it gets back to normal.
  7. N1OTY

    N1OTY Ham Member QRZ Page

    This was NOT the expo of old for the reasons that KC1HLU stated above. It was successful for me because I had to attend the NESMC annual meeting and get a Motorola XTS2500 900 MHZ radio programmed by a friend in the flea area, but I keenly noted the missing major vendors. Sad.
  8. W1AMA

    W1AMA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was NOT unhappy with what they did this year. For the $18, it was a good deal.... I attended Saturday and Sunday, commuting from the home QTH. We would have stayed over on Saturday night but the XYL did not want to spend a second day there, and I did. With gas down below $4, it wasn't costly to do back and forth (around 40 miles for me).

    The banquet was very good; in contrast to the buffet format held at the Boxboro locale. And parking was easier - no walk through the woods to get on-site.

    Yes, I was disappointed that all the manufacturers weren't there, but their budgets are likely reduced, and there still were COVID fears when they had to plan to be there and allocate personnel, and dollars for the show.

    As far as HRO (disclaimer = I am a one-time employee and I like and respect that company) -- there's limited stock to bring, and, in my PERSONAL opinion, if I were going to spend a significant amount of money, I'd want to a) go to the store and spin the knobs and b) pick it up there and avoid paying sales tax, because New Hampshire doesn't have one. (disclaimer #2 - I only live three miles from the New Hampshire state line and around seven miles from the store).

    And IMHO $18 ain't a lot of bread for what you get.

    From all indications, 2022 HamXpostion was better attended than 2021; and, if it's held there again in 2023, it likely will be bigger and better.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  9. KC1HLU

    KC1HLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I expect it to grow back bigger and better each year that Covid is behind us.

    I applaud the organizers of HamXposition as I received a personal Email yesterday addressing the comments that I submitted in my survey of the event.

    I'm skeptical that the major mfrs will ever show up again, as they do a cost-benefit analysis and decide it is cheaper (more ROI) not to show up at these events and let companies like HRO sell their products, perhaps with some small show discounts instead.

    For a number of years I did computer consulting and attended tons of trade shows in Boston . . . and then they dwindled to nothing as mfrs realized that it was cheaper to setup online events (before Zoom there were other, better products) than fly their gear and staff all around the country. This happened ~2004-2006. So I'm betting that the amateur radio mfrs look back to pre-Covid vs. post-Covid and make that same decision.
  10. K1IO

    K1IO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was there Saturday. It was a huge crowd! The presentations were good, but some of the rooms couldn't hold the audience. In case you're reading this, organizers, next year give Bob W1IS a bigger room and a projector! I was there last year on Sunday and that drew a much smaller crowd, and I assume the same this year. The flea market was okay but not great. Since it rained on Friday and there were uncertain forecasts for Saturday (turned out sunny) some may have stayed away since the flea was all outdoors.

    But I do miss the equipment vendors. In 2019 I could see the different models of transceiver, talk to dealers, etc. Last year and this year, no major rig displays. I dunno, I think an HRO or DXE could have done okay there this year.

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