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HamSCI Participates In NASA’s Science Activation Teams / Citizen Science Community Workshop

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WX2R, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. WX2R

    WX2R Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    HamSCI proudly joined dozens of other citizen science project teams at NASA’s recent Science Activation (SciAct) / Citizen Science (CitSci) Community Workshop held in Leesburg, VA. Conference attendees, leaders in the volunteer citizen science community, shared project success stories and future plans for their science and education based teams.

    Emphasis was on the Heliophysics Big Year, a global celebration of the Sun’s influence on Earth. HamSCI is deeply involved with the HBY, with ongoing projects such as the Solar Eclipse QSO Parties (SEQP) and Personal Space Weather Stations (PSWS). The SEQP and PSWS are just a few of the events included in HamSCI’s Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science. Both events were presented to workshop attendees, by way of an operating Grape 1 PSWS and displays of eclipse-inspired observations from the October, 2023 North American solar annular eclipse.

    HamSCI participated in workshops and demonstrations by NASA supported SciAct and CitSci programs such as Auroasauraus, Eclipse Soundscapes, GLOBE Mission EARTH , AEROKATS/ROVER Education Network, Zooniverse and Fiske Planetarium. Those programs connect diverse learners of all ages with science in ways that activate minds and promote a deeper understanding of our world and beyond.

    HamSCI serves as a means for fostering collaboration between professional researchers and amateur radio operators. It assists in developing and maintaining standards and agreements between all people and organizations involved. Its goals are to advance scientific research and understanding through amateur radio activities and encourage the development of new technologies to support this research.

    The HamSCI Community is led by The University of Scranton Department of Physics and Engineering W3USR, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University W8EDU, the University of Alabama, the New Jersey Institute of Technology Center for Solar Terrestrial Physics K2MFF, the MIT Haystack Observatory, TAPR, additional collaborating universities and institutions, and volunteer members of the amateur radio and citizen science communities. HamSCI is grateful for the financial support of the United States National Science Foundation, NASA, and Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).

    For more information about HamSCI, please visit the HamSCI at

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    YD1DLM, 4H1GPI, VU2JO and 1 other person like this.
  2. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice Educational Science Project :cool:
  3. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had requested for joining the HamSCI Google Group some time back. I have sent one more request just now. 73 de VU2JO
  4. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now I am proud member of the HamSCI Goolge Group. Could even participate in a zoom meeting recently!

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