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HamRadioNow: TAPR Forum at the Hamvention - DCC Video KICKSTARTER is live!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Jun 9, 2015.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page


    Episodes 207
    TAPR Forum
    from the Dayton Hamvention®

    The TAPR Forum at the Hamvention is kind of a mini-DCC – a collection of short technical presentations, with some TAPR news tossed in. I recorded the whole thing this year, and since it's over two hours long, I broke it into two videos. Part 1 is below, and as usual, Part 2 is on the web site

    DCC Video KICKSTARTER is live

    Part 1
    (below) begins with me clicking the button to launch a KICKSTARTER to fund my Chicago vacation... er, heading to my old home town to record this year's DCC, bring the video back home to North Carolina and slave over it for weeks on end until every last frame of each presentation is enshrined on YouTube for posterity, or as long as Google feels like maintaining the service. $150 backers ensure against that eventuality by receiving a 32 GB USB-3 thumb drive with mp4 video of all the sessions, leaving them to worry only that USB Type A will stop being a standard that most PCs adhere to for connections. Wait, that's happening now, too. All is lost. Enjoy the TAPR forum:


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    THANK YOU to all our contributors!​

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