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HamRadioNow: QRP (turns out that life IS long enough)

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Aug 27, 2013.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page


    Episode 93:
    (Turns out that life is long enough)

    Everything you've always wanted to know about QRP... wouldn't fit in this program. But we do talk about it a lot with Rex Harper W1REX (Tuna Tin Kits), Glen Popiel KW5GP (not the Pocket Fisherman guy), and Craig Behrens NM4T (The Huntsville Guy). From the Huntsville Hamfest.

    <small>KICKSTARTER reminder: As we post this episode, just a few days to go on our </small><small>KICKSTARTER</small><small> to fund producing video of the 2013 ARRL and TAPR DCC (Sept 20-22). We're getting close! If you're interested in the high-tech digital stuff, check the link to Episode 90, look at our previous DCC videos linked there, and consider making a pledge at any level. If you're watching after Labor Day (Sept 2, 2013), go see if we were successful.</small>

    <small style="font-weight: bold;">Links:</small>

    watch this episode here, or on our web site:


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  2. W9USS

    W9USS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great show, thank you. w9uss
  3. AA9SD

    AA9SD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great show!

  4. WA7NTL

    WA7NTL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice!--I am an avid QRP guy. For those of you who think life is too short for QRP, my recommendation is to use your cellphone.
  5. KL7AJ

    KL7AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've always thought thus. Although I have at times resorted to QRO...such as 1GW when I did an experiment or two at HAARP. :)
  6. KC5SAS

    KC5SAS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm still watching it and am about 3/4 of the way through. I've been catching it in 15 minute bites. So far it's pretty good.
  7. W6UDO

    W6UDO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amen!! Had a real nice QSO with a OR ham who was running QRP...he was 599 solid into San Diego. Then I stuck around to hear him work stations in IN and 4-land. (I couldn't even hear the 4-station!). He's going for WAS QRP, and I have no doubt he'll make it. Vy 73...Joe
  8. KO0KY

    KO0KY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was originally licensed in 1981 (KA5LMR) and did it all in ham radio for 20 years. Then I got a bit burned out and laid the whole shebang down. Then, in and around 2000, I discovered QRP. Man, it was a jolt to my system. All of my original enthusiasm was rekindled. Now QRP is all I run, even on SSB. I have fewer contacts, but they mean a lot more. This was a great show on the subject, keep'em comin'!
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