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HamRadioNow: DZ Kit, stuff from Dayton, and a DCC Kickstarter Preview

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, May 28, 2015.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page


    Episodes 201 and 202
    (what Heathkit could be today)

    and a premature look at our


    Episode 202 is mostly a conversation with Brian Wood W0DZ, owner of DZKit. I've peeked at Brian's booth at Dayton over the years, watching him get a little bigger and more polished. He's concentrated mostly on one product, the Sienna, a high-performance HF transceiver that you build (some of) yourself. They solder the hard stuff, including all the surface-mount, but there's plenty left for you. Before talking to Brian, I cover some odds and ends around the Hamvention. And I apologize to the people who I just relegated to the status of odd or end​.

    Episode 201 puts us back on the air after being gone a month, first to Hawaii, and then to Dayton. It includes an 'embedded' recording of the pitch I'll put in the KICKSTARTER that will launch on June 2 to fund shooting video of the 2015 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference, coming in October this year. Enjoy how clueless I was as I misspoke the end date of the KICKSTARTER as "January 31" instead of July 31, and be amazed at how I corrected it for the actual KICKSTARTER when it goes live on June 2 (hint: watch my lips).

    Padding out that 90 minute show, I review the stuff I shot at Dayton that's coming up 'soon,' I stuff a bunch of cash in Arvin that people gave me at the Hamvention (yay!), I do my first (and probably last) 'unboxing,' of the FreeDV SM-1000 'Speaker-Mic' that arrived from China, and I wrap it up with a slide show of a small part of our Hawaii vacation. Most of the Dayton stuff will be forums (TAPR, DX, Operating, DMR), but I'm working on a show focusing on programming radios, and I talked to the RTSystems and RFinder guys. I think it'll be interesting.

    I'm going to put Episode 201 here in the box, and hope you go find 202 on the web site. Remember you can subscribe to the audio version (just a lift of the audio track from the video) by manually adding this URL into your podcast app:


    Watch all our programs on our web page:

    HamRadioNow is supported by viewer contributions
    If you enjoy the programs, visit and "click the pig"


    THANK YOU to all our contributors!​

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