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Ham Talk Live! Episode 188 - Stealth Antennas and HOAs

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB9VPG, Oct 29, 2019.

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  1. K6BRN

    K6BRN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Don't need an HOA for that. Plenty of trained volunteers from neighborhood programs the police and fire sponsor. Good thing is that YOU get to decide what to do, for yourself, in an emergency. Choose carefully. Sometimes the mob is right.
  2. W7SJP

    W7SJP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am almost exactly like you except that I live in an apartment a stone's throw from my in-network cardiologist and hospital. I have a 8' wide, 5' deep balcony facing a thick wall of evergreens a meter from the balcony railing. We just got a notice that no 'strange-looking things' are allowed on the balcony from The New Management. So, up until a couple of weeks ago, I had my MFJ-1788 on a tripod there, with a canvas cover over it. I managed several good DX QSOs using digital modes and some iffy QRP CW now and then (Japan/South Korea), but not much else. So, until we can afford a house with no restrictions not too far away, I have to set up mobile in the parks and on the beach when the weather permits. It's all I've got. I understand that the TW2010 would not function in my limited, closed-in environment, so all I can do is drool in envy.
    W5TTW likes this.
  3. W7SJP

    W7SJP Ham Member QRZ Page

    And if your HOA told you that they don't allow cars? Or allow you to fart on your porch? Or have cable TV? Or a BBQ? Or plant cacti in your front lawn?
    You'd happily follow along? Or you'd just move out, screw your investment, and move?

    My brother's HOA in Sedona requires all houses to be 'a uniform pastel' in color. As far as I am concerned, HOA's should be outlawed--they have literally run amok, and, at least here,
    virtually all neighborhoods with free-standing houses are *controlled* by HOAs.

    That HOA proviso forces you into a unreasonably restrictive deed agreement--exactly what the Amateur Radio Parity Act, H.R. 555 is trying to circumvent.
    KB2SMS, W8LV, KF4ZKU and 1 other person like this.
  4. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you read the contract carefully (who wouldn't before going into debt for hundreds of thousands of dollars?), then you would never have signed if such silly restrictions existed.

    I'd have to live with my own ignorance. But yeah, if the covenants were unbearable, I'd likely sell and move as soon as I could.

    Granted, some hams didn't get their license until well after buying into an HOA, but if that's the only restriction that's bothersome, it's probably not worth moving.
    (Plenty of other solutions to not being able to set up a station at home!)

    So, if I wanted to participate in [insert HOA banned item here], all I need to do is convince a bunch of [insert fellow enthusiasts here] to join a lobbying group so I can do my hobby?

    Which is what amateur radio is to most of us. Pretty close to zero percent of us will ever really save a life using as an amateur radio operator. (Which is the most common argument to overturn the rules.)

    Sure, HOAs might be running amok as you say. I will never know. And even if I did live in one, I sure wouldn't be trying to use the government to get my agreement amended just so I can put up an antenna. They're ugly. I sure wouldn't want to look at one when if I bought into a neighborhood designed to be appealing in appearance.

    I think HOA-dwelling hams are upset they didn't know better/have the foresight, and want to undo a contract to which they willingly agreed.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  5. WB5FAX

    WB5FAX Ham Member QRZ Page

    HOAs are nothing more than communist organizations to make everything beautiful. You have people spying on others and do not mind their own business. People have no rights to their properties. All new housing developments and older areas have these agreements. One Senator in Florida stopped the ham radio parity act who does not care about people. Today states like California told has to pay enormous rents on towers and to take repeaters down stopping comms cause they want to control ham and what they are by outlawing communications. The list goes on and on.
    K0PV/SK2023, KB2SMS, W8LV and 5 others like this.
  6. WB5FAX

    WB5FAX Ham Member QRZ Page

  7. WA2LXB

    WA2LXB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I went to a month-long Hurricane Island Outward Bound School right after high school. Their motto is the phrase: "To Serve, To Strive And Not To Yield".

    Hams in HOAs need to adopt that phrase, join their local ARES/RACES and make antennas happen by sheer force of will.

    Adversity is opportunity.

    Stop whining and come back here with pictures of your new stealth antennas.
    W8LV, K8XG, KF4ZKU and 1 other person like this.
  8. AA4MB

    AA4MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, in some instances they appear to be close. But I don't think it's quite that insidious. In my direct experience with one and stories from two others, the 'leaders' of same were largely composed of folks who have no discernible power or influence in their own miserable lives, who wish to hold sway over someone - anyone - and somehow be 'in charge' of something. They are fed complaints by the 'whiners,' who also love telling other folks what to do - but often don't have the guts to tell someone themselves. There are also 'axe grinders' there, too - who are taking out their passive-aggressive behavior against someone who may have committed an infraction as inconsequential as letting their dog pee on the wrong lawn. It is all about control, folks - and the reason we feel so passionately about it is that as human beings the loss of control is something that is hard for us to generally accept. My 'passive-aggressive' response was to defeat the bandit and successfully conduct QSOs on HF over thousands of miles without them knowing a transmitter was there. And that felt good.
    W8LV and AK5B like this.
  9. W4VE

    W4VE Ham Member QRZ Page

    My HOA in Florida approved a Comet H-422.
    40/20/15/10 Meter

    Attached Files:

    K8XG, KF4ZKU, WA2LXB and 1 other person like this.
  10. K8CPA

    K8CPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Divorce her.
    W8LV likes this.
  11. WA2LXB

    WA2LXB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    LOL...not a chance...I've got it WAAAAY too good. Plus, the contract says "'Til Death Do Us Part"...there was no fine print regarding antennas:p
    AK5B likes this.
  12. WB4YHJ

    WB4YHJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think it is great to provide ideas for hams in the world of HOE homes. For whatever reason, a homeowner is in a HOA area, I know it can be tough operating under those condition. When I started working in my profession, I had to live in an apartment. Boy, did my antenna stink. I hated being cut off from most QSOs. My heart goes out to those hams that are fighting for better antennas. After getting married, my wife and I, both of us being hams, searched for a home that wasn't HOE. We finally found a home and we are glad to have 0.55 acres to fill with antennas, in the city, near work. Now both of us being retired, we have settled down to stay in our first house. I hurt too much to want a moving van at our house. HI There can be a lot reasons why people are stuck in that situation, economics, contractors, needed work location, etc, etc, etc, … I like CW and enjoy QSOing with my fellow hams, whether 599+ or 449-, whether QRP or QRO. Whatever it is, I wish them the best reception possible. Best of 73s to all and to all good DX. PS. I'm not Santa Claus, but I believe he is a ham also.
    AK5B, W8LV and K8XG like this.
  13. AA4MB

    AA4MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    W4VE: I'd be interested in the on air results you've had - understanding that it's not an inverted vee with the apex at 55 feet, of course.

  14. W4VE

    W4VE Ham Member QRZ Page

    For some recent DX I have worked, look at my Logbook on my QRZ page here
    The base of the "V" is 13 Feet above ground and the tips of the antenna are approximately 25 feet.
    This keeps it below the roof line of the two story home next to me hiding it mostly from the street keeping the HOA happy.
    I'm fortunate the HOA President isn't opposed to Amateur Radio especially seeing how it is useful here in Florida for Emergency Communications.
    He lives directly across the water from me and has full view of the antenna from his back yard.

    The Sun City Grand HOA in Arizona sent me their "approved" list of antennas which I'll include here as a PDF.

    Attached Files:

  15. K8XG

    K8XG Ham Member QRZ Page

    ^ to Add to the list above. The End Fed 9:1 Unun antennas are working great around my group of hams HOA or no HOA. We like the ready made one that really work for a decent price from ; both their no tuner needed models and tuner needed models.

    The 14g insulated wire if mounted stealth for the UnUn box is very hard to see if your in an HOA.

    If not, like on my friends Farm, he uses the 117' tuner needed one elevated at end on a 30' mast to 20' mast with 9:1 UnUn on it with 32' slopper to the ground on his rear deck. It is north/ south so he gets good east west coverage, but still get stations in the south and the north.
    W4VE likes this.

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