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Ham Radio Tips for new hams - The new solar cycle, resources and what to expect.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Dec 14, 2020.

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  1. KB7TBT

    KB7TBT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ham Radio Tips for new hams - The new solar cycle, resources and what to expect.
    AG5IX, BV3US, AB0R and 28 others like this.
  2. WW0NS

    WW0NS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very informative. I have been a ham for 40+ years and this video is a must see for anyone doing DX. Thanks!
  3. AK5CT

    AK5CT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you very much for the video and explanation of the various 'Solar Weather' numbers.

    We all see these in various charts, reports, statistics, etc... but rarely does someone tell us exactly what they mean, and what to expect from them. In fact, that was the first time I had even heard about the absorption rate of the D layer. So, I now have the NOAA Space Weather site bookmarked.

    As I mentioned on another QRZ thread, I am not a young man, but was just late getting into ham. I was licensed in October 2014, but not really 'operational' with a decent base station until January 2015. Therefore, all I have ever experienced is the down-slope of one of the worse solar cycles in history. Hopefully, I have something to look forward to in these coming years. As many hams my age have already stated, this may be the last cycle for us.

    Oh, and as far as trying to explain NOAA predicting specific things that didn't happen, no problem there. After all, think of the NWS trying to predict SNOW in the southern states. I have often stated that as far as snow in our area (Northeast Mississippi), that my grandfather could stand on his porch and watch the woolly worms and listen to the crickets and frogs and predict snow better. Too bad he wasn't a Ham.
    VK4VIK, N5VAF, AA4MB and 2 others like this.
  4. WK7J

    WK7J Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice video and well worth the 22 minutes. Thanks Kevin!
  5. W4KVW

    W4KVW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Their Guessing is as bad as the weather man which we all know is very undependable at best.Best chance at working a Rare or New one is to have the radio turned On & pay attention to the Band Scope if the radio has one & if not watch the Reflectors.You can't work anything if you are not there when they come into the receiver.

    WA8MEA, NC6K and HB9EPC like this.
  6. K4ESG

    K4ESG Ham Member QRZ Page

    My Dad...the original K4ESG in 1957 with his home-brew 500 watt AM/CW blow torch working the sunspot cycle! (Fayetteville, NC)[​IMG]
    HA2ZB, N6SPP, M0VRK and 6 others like this.
  7. W1LWT

    W1LWT Ham Member QRZ Page

    your so right... climate change is a natural thing for our planet that we over look that the planet is a living .And all items thats alive changes all the time before it dies some day.....thats Basic Science. And the Sun is our life source that effects our planet for each day and future years.With that said of true nature science the sun cycle as it produces its given energy to all in our universe maybe this cycle be so much better than the last one. So bring in the natural effects to charge up our planet and give us the light of great DX again....And let some dream of the fairy's dancing around in there wings a glow and silks of gowns in there world of climate change. And I like real life climate changes as it happens and passed to the future of DX hunters far beyond our times. As we searxh for that one more Contact for our logs.
    PY2NEA and HB9EPC like this.
  8. HA2ZB

    HA2ZB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I checked the recommended NOAA site: Radio Communications Dashboard | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
    There is only one thing I do not understand: the animated "D region absorption prediction" map shows zero absorption between 12:00Z and 20:00Z, although - if I remember well - during daytime at least the lower bands (like 80m) should be heavily impacted. Isn't it the case?
    9A5O likes this.
  9. F4GWG

    F4GWG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    tnx for this video.
    very informative to me .
  10. KB9RLW

    KB9RLW Ham Member QRZ Page

    That map is showing the influence of solar activity, not the cyclic natural daily change.
    HA2ZB likes this.
  11. HA2ZB

    HA2ZB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Clear, thank you!
  12. PY1KZ

    PY1KZ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations, Kevin - KB9RLW!!!
    This was one of the best explanations I have seen about the Solar Cycle. It was simple and didactic. I have been an amateur radio since 1974 and I do not remember having lived such a bad period of propagation.
    73´s and God Bless You All!!
    Miguel PY1KZ
    9A5O likes this.
  13. 9A5O

    9A5O Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks a lot!! Fantastic presentation- a very educational, visually and graphically excellent tutorial!
    For me, totally NON technical person, a great simplified tool to get around solar reports.
    Congratulations on this inspirational video and a calm, friendly, non-aggressive teaching in a manner of a great educator.
    HA2ZB likes this.
  14. KC5HCX

    KC5HCX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent video, Kevin. Thank you.
  15. KE0QQQ

    KE0QQQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you for the video and your channel. Be safe

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