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Ham Radio 360: Extra Class Upgrade with W4EDF

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4CDN, Aug 22, 2017.

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  1. N2ADV

    N2ADV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Oh FFS I see the Rose-Colored-Glasses types are still kicking with the "it was better back when X was still here" and "new hams are the end of the world" crap.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: out of every ten jerks I run into in amateur radio (usually while they're sitting behind a keyboard and mostly here in these forums and rarely on the air unless they're flapping their jaws on 75 meters in between discussions about hemorrhoids and their latest bowel movements), nine of them were licensed back during this vaunted "golden age" when things were oh-so-much-better when there was still a "code test" and they had to walk uphills both ways through the snow with bare feet through broken glass to take their test at a FCC office.

    Good grief, get over yourselves already.
    N8XTH, K2MOB, 2E1LEX and 2 others like this.
  2. WB9AZA

    WB9AZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Typical comments from a General class op who does little dxing. Most major DXpeditions are in the bands below the General segments of all bands and on CW with some digital modes. You can get by with the old Advance class license but if your serious about dxing the Extra class license is required.
    What funky call signs??
    K2MOB likes this.
  3. WB9AZA

    WB9AZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I know many no-code Extra and General class hams that are great ops and have my respect and I am an "old timer" since 1964. I have little respect for many of the new Technician class ops whos ham career is a cheap two meter hand held and a complete lack of understand the very basic principles and theory of our hobby. Would a simple 5 wpm code test filter these out I am not sure as there are many really nasty jammers out there in the cw bands who are proficient cw users.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
    K2MOB likes this.
  4. N7KFD

    N7KFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    How much more pathetic can this get? (Winey voice) "You don't know code so your stupid", or "You weren't licensed in 1967 so your license isn't real". Grow up! If someone doesn't want anything more than a tech license and an HT why the hell do you even care, it's none of your business. And for the record, in case someone tries to flame me, I was licensed in 1994, learned 5 wpm for Novice and 13 wpm for General. If I decide to upgrade it'll be on my terms and as far as the FCC is concerned it won't be any less of a license than the ones issued in 1967. Get off your high horses because in the end you won't be buried any deeper than anyone else.
    W6QY and K2MOB like this.
  5. N4GKS

    N4GKS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just took the Extra practice test for the heck of it and passed.
  6. N4GKS

    N4GKS Ham Member QRZ Page

    You scored 48 correct answers and 2 incorrect answers from a total of 50.

    You would have passed the exam! Congratulations!

    Gee, I made Extra!
  7. LA6VQ

    LA6VQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Whether the test is taken "for the heck of it", or as a result of a long time ambition and lots of hard work, doesn't matter for FCC. However, W4EDF's experience and input in the podcast at the top of this thread is clearly best suited for those who work hard preparing for the test because they find Amateur Extra to be a stretched goal that is important for them to reach.
    K2MOB, F4HPX, WB9AZA and 1 other person like this.
  8. ND1SU

    ND1SU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am one of those hated, vile, lazy, worthless no-code extras who are leading the hobby to ruin....

    I did use Ham Test Online to study, but I did make the effort to write down questions I got wrong and research them. I had great "AHA" moments doing this. I never really understood electrical circuits when I took physics in college (my degree is in chemistry), but when I studied to get my ticket, I finally understood the relationship between inductance, capacitance, and impedance. I learned why an antenna works, even though it kinda-sorta looks like an open circuit (loops excluded, of course :cool:) I learned a lot, even given the rote learning model.

    I will never build my own rig, or repair anything at the component level - I have physical limitations now, among them neuropathy which makes it impossible to wield a soldering iron with any precision. For those same reasons, I cannot put up a resonant antenna, or any sort of decent dipole (I live in an apartment - I didn't buy my brother's house when he moved because I would not have been able to care for it properly). Nevertheless, I am glad I found this hobby. I am learning something new all the time!
    K2MOB, K3CRM and F4HPX like this.
  9. WB9AZA

    WB9AZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are absolutely correct John. Thanks for your military service.
    W5JPT, K2MOB and F4HPX like this.
  10. F4HPX

    F4HPX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    After 24 hour of intense "study" I improved from 66% to 86% ! So, more than necessary.
    Did I understand much more ? Hmm, not so sure but memorized a lot. It looks like that part of the brain is still working...
    Learning means both memorizing and/or understanding. I believe first is coming before the second and the second when you start asking yourself: why is that?
    Could I learn by heart all questions from all 3 exams? Possibly. Hopefully, I don't have to and I have to admit maybe too lazy for ;) ... but flashcard technique is terrific. I never tried it before.

    73 Thomas de F4HPX
    K2MOB likes this.
  11. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Working on my Extra, also. I take the test in December. We get all nearly all bands, except 30m here in Korea. If we want to run big power, we have to upgrade to Extra. I have built a few 2-el yagis, and am working on a 3-el. I am nearing the best I can have for an antenna, and also working on a portable 20m moxon for mountaintop work. I now have an amp, but cannot use it to its fullest potential yet. Am still waiting on my peak-reading watt meter from DX Engineering. I'm partly doing it for the 1kw rating, but also to become a VE and help grow things around here. Experienced English-speaking VE foreign hams come and go from here, and I have to get it while there are enough around.

    Working several hour-long 4,000+ mile pileups into the EU, after building your own pvc/wire yagi is a thrill. Les Moxon is my hero.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
    K2MOB likes this.
  12. F4HPX

    F4HPX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Derek, I wish you good luck too.
    KE0EYJ likes this.
  13. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks, and you, as well.

    I have begun by memorizing answers, but will likely purchase one of the ham tests online which go through and explain everything. Memorizing is boring, and I don't learn as much that way. I am trying to find if anyone has a used Extra book around here. I bet some Koreans do, as many find the English test easier than the Korean one. I have another friend here who also wants to test for Extra at the same time, and later get his VE, as well.
  14. F4HPX

    F4HPX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I agree. I never liked to learn by heart... I preferred to understand, find a logic then derive answer/solution from that. That is working pretty well for technical things but for all kind of regulations there is nothing to understand.
    Books are heavy thus shipping costs for abroad are often doubling the price... and half of the book is the list of the questions and correct answers... I am trying rather to dig for the info online.
  15. K2MOB

    K2MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    The primary purpose of the FCC tests is to determine if you meet the minimum knowledge level currently required for each license level. It's purpose isn't to certify you as a master electronics technician or electrical engineer, it's just a starting point to build upon as you enjoy this wonderful hobby. If you don't continue to learn and grow in ham radio, maybe it's time to take up golf or something else... ;)
    W6QY likes this.

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