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Ham College episode 7

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W5JDX, Jul 28, 2015.

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  1. W5JDX

    W5JDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ham College episode 7 is now available for download and viewing.

    We discuss Radio Waves. Plus more technician exam questions explained.


    KA4FKU likes this.
  2. KA4FKU

    KA4FKU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is there a diploma and courses involved with these video's? I am new to ham college website. Thanks,Wildon Priddy,KA4FKU.
  3. KN3O

    KN3O Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the first I have seen the "ham college" series but the webpage is bookmarked, I will be going through them!
  4. KE0RG

    KE0RG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    They launched a pilot episode back in Nov 2014, IIRC.

    I've been so busy that I haven't kept up with them, but it was a pretty decent idea. Teach everyone about amateur radio little by little (episode at a time). It's not just geared for the new hams, but also as a refresher for experienced guys and gals as well. They toss in some history, unique equipment, ham-related projects anyone can do, and even go over the licensing question pool (so we can see how much we know, remember, or need to reacquaint ourselves with).

    Fun and educational... and they're just getting started.

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