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Growing Ham Radio -- PART 3: Club Promotion

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8QS, Mar 26, 2021.

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  1. WG7W

    WG7W Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In growing amateur radio I believe we need to show those folks interested that it has value. They may be aware that it can be a valuable communication device when the SHTF or the power goes out for a few days as it has recently in various sections of our country but they need to know that it has real value. How can they realize that? They need skin in the game. It doesn't need to be a lot but they need to contribute to the effort and cost.
    I have found that if you give something to some folks it has no value to them. Yet when they have to put something into the effort to obtain that thing then it does have value. Most clubs already provide classes for gratis. Unless the student is motivated they may or may not pay attention in class, retain enough knowledge, take and pass the exam. As an example, an old friend and coworker approached me about obtaining a Tech license. I set him up with study materials and a manual, our club put on a special class that he participated in and following he didn't appear for the test session our VEs put on for that class. He told me that he had joined the local jeep posse and would be using a radio that did not require him to have a license.
    Would a free test as well as a free license and free radio made a difference for him? Probably not. If he hadn't had the no license radio with the jeep posse, would that have made a difference? Maybe.
    At this time I'd like to see the VECs eliminate the testing fee. I believe the licensing fee is not unreasonable and would be part of that skin in the game. Our club provides a free membership to all who test with us, if they join the club. From there we have our mentors contact them and follow-up with them. Most are looking at a hand held as their first radio. We always tell them that our club has a lending inventory of radios they can try and keep for up to 6 months and possibly purchase if they wish. We have a group we call our Elmers to assist the in setting up their station and antennas. Last month they put in over 40 man hours setting up antennas for members.
    The Elmer and mentors assist without fee. We suggest equipment and antennas to fit their situations. AND we FOLLOW-UP! We don't want them to get discouraged and give up...
    We don't care where they get their desire to be an amateur radio operator. We only care that they have that desire and will follow through, obtaining their license and participate as they can. Our job is to provide them with the opportunities to be successful...

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
    KD5BVX likes this.
  2. NX3W

    NX3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Absolutely agree. We don't just want "more hams," we want more people who embrace the spirit of the community. Seditionists shouldn't be encouraged to license and spew their garbage on HF because all they'll do is turn it into the same fascist sewer that AM radio has become. It's already almost impossible to find a frequency on 40m Saturday morning to call CQ and work sunrise that isn't occupied by 10 stations having a net (and the exact same conversation they had the week before about the weather or complaining about "the democrats!") Adding an army of delusional people who hate just about everyone in America that isn't them who have deluded themselves into thinking they can overthrow the government will just ruin what we have left AND motivate congress to raise fees higher, or even use such radicalism as an excuse to take away spectrum if ham radio becomes perceived as a den of sedition and rebellion.

    That's why I think a far better plan would be to emphasize our community spirit through the sort of youth outreach and sponsored test-taking/HT giveaways AA7BQ was talking about. The best way to get them is to get 'em young. It may have taken 30 years, but became interested in radio as a teenager, and it was almost inevitable I'd eventually become a ham. The more of those people we have out there... seeded like dragon's teeth waiting to spring forth and become active hams, the stronger our hobby is in the long term.
    WQ4G likes this.
  3. W7ASA

    W7ASA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd prefer quality over quantity any day. Unrestricted growth is the objective of a cancer cell.
    WQ4G and K3XR like this.
  4. KL7AJ

    KL7AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been saying this for decades.
  5. VE2MMH

    VE2MMH Guest

    Rich Grumpy old hams we'll be the last amateur radio generation.

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