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Goodbye AM Radios in Automobiles, starting in 2024

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W9GB, May 15, 2023.

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  1. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

  2. W8ISK

    W8ISK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was not sure that he died and I sure am glad you confirmed that.
  3. WB9YZU

    WB9YZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I drove a 2021 Ford Transit for work. No AM or FM, just XM.
  4. W1BR

    W1BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is all about subscription revenue streams. No bucks to be nade with analog.
    N3RYB likes this.
  5. W0IS

    W0IS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Someone bumped this thread, which reminded me of an experiment I conducted a few weeks ago, mostly in response to this comment or one like it. I'm also a big advocate of AM radio, for what it's worth.

    But in a pretty remote area of Michigan's upper peninsula, I tuned through both the AM and FM dials and counted how many stations I could get. I counted them if I could make out most of what they were saying, so I didn't count faint carriers, or snippets that lasted only a second or two. I tuned manually.

    On the AM dial, there were three stations. On FM, there were about 30, and a surprising number were in the 88-92 MHz educational portion of the band.
    N3RYB likes this.

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