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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K1XN, May 8, 2002.

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  1. K1XN

    K1XN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The following Amateur Logging software companies have released or will be releasing soon their programs providing a 32 bit Windows interface application to provide the users of their program and of the GOLIST access to the Weekly Golist Data base files.

    Here are the software companies know to have the interface completed or in process:
    WIN-EQF(released); DXBASE(released); LOG WINDOWS(Dayton); DX4WIN(in-process);
    SWISSLOG(in-process); WINLOG32(released); WINQSL, TRX-MANAGER(released);  DX TELNET(in-process); LOG PLUS(in-process); LOGGER32(in-process)

    The 32 bit dll file ( is available to
    developers in the FREE download area of the
    Golist web site

    Visit the Golist Web pages for more information on GOLIST products for DXers.
    The Choice of DXers since 1980.

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