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Gateway on for VK3RMM D-STAR repeaters

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Aug 19, 2009.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gateway on for VK3RMM D-STAR repeaters

    The D-STAR repeaters on Mt Macedon north-west of Melbourne, Australia are now connected to the D-STAR internet gateway enabling it to be linked to many other similar repeaters.

    Amateur Radio Victoria switched on the gateway on Tuesday 18 August for the 2m and 70cm repeaters using 3G wireless broadband after ADSL and other wireless options were found not to be possible at the site.

    After a very substantial expenditure for a new antenna, its installation, cable runs and a new filter, the VK3RMM D-STAR repeaters first went on air in June for initial testing, essential to ensure compatibility with other radio services at the site.

    After a number of false starts due to broadband services providers not living up to their advertised claims, the wireless modem was installed by Ross Pittard VK3CE and Barry Robinson VK3PV.

    Many D-STAR users became aware that the gateway had opened on VK3RMM including a couple of hams from the United States who were among the first to use it.

    The final part of the project will be installation of the 23cm D-STAR digital voice repeater that requires antenna rigging.

    Amateur Radio Victoria again acknowledges the generous donation of the D-STAR repeater modules by ICOM (Australia) and the technical support of the National D-STAR Instructor/Administrator Richard Hoskin VK3JFK.

    - Amateur Radio Victoria

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  2. N0FPE

    N0FPE Ham Member QRZ Page

    woohoo..hold me back
  3. W4SPD

    W4SPD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've got this nice ID-800H and no D-STAR repeaters to play with. :(
  4. KI4OZG

    KI4OZG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Have you already tried any of the following?

    TN D-STAR Repeaters:

    AD4DS Seymour TN 145.61000MHz -1.200 444.47500MHz +5.000 1293.00000MHz -20.000 1253.00000MHz (NO Gateway)

    W4JYV Nashville TN 147.18000MHz +0.600 (NO Gateway)

    W4PL Chattanooga TN 145.29000MHz -0.600 443.15000MHz +5.000 1291.00000MHz -20.000 1251.00000MHz (YES Gateway)

    W4SAN Crossville TN 440.52500MHz +5.000 1291.50000MHz -20.000 1251.50000MHz (NO Gateway)

    AL D-STAR Repeaters:

    KI4PPF Huntsville AL 145.43000MHz -0.600 443.37500MHz +5.000 1284.00000MHz -12.000 1251.80000MHz (YES Gateway)

    W4WBC South Huntsville AL 145.36000MHz -0.600 443.42500MHz +5.000 1282.50000MHz -12.000 1253.50000MHz (YES Gateway)
  5. W4SPD

    W4SPD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All are too far away from me. I am about 20 miles outside of Nashville. The one listed in Nashville is off the air (I believe the trustee is a SK).

    I did get to play on the Huntsville one @ the hamfest (that's where I found the radio, thinking that there was an active repeater in Nash. I bought it).
  6. W4SPD

    W4SPD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Here is a question for you DSTAR folk. I programmed in the Nashville repeater (Which I believe is off the air) and the simplex freq (145.670) using the CS-D800 software.

    Every now and again, I get what sounds like a digital signal (almost R2-D2 like) on both frequencies. Is the radio generating these, or are these actual people?

    Simplex is set DV, My Call, and CQCQCQ

    The repeater is set DV, My Call, CQCQCQ, W4JYV

    From reading the manual over and over I believe this is right. Am I hearing people and not decoding them properly? Thanks!


    Doing a search for DSTAR R2D2 led me to my answer. Apparently that noise is a false decode, and can be caused by local RFI. Oh well, thought I might have had someone to talk to. As for now the 800H stay up for sale.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  7. KI4DAC

    KI4DAC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just fyi a quick call look-up shows W4JYV as a silent key. I am not sure if anyone is planning on putting another DSTAR repeater in Nashville anytime soon.
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