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From Grandfather to Grandson: W9KKN Revives a Ham Radio Legacy

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Apr 22, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page


    Bill Fehring, W9KKN, an architect in the computer security industry, was first introduced to ham radio by his grandfather. Decades later, Bill took over his grandfather's call sign and has continued his ham radio legacy. During his early childhood in Illinois, Bill was fascinated by his grandfather's radio shack and the mysterious contacts made across the globe. Despite initially drifting away from the hobby after his grandfather's death, a rediscovery of old radio equipment reignited his passion. Bill is currently very active in the ham radio community, especially in contesting, providing technical assistance and volunteering with clubs. He’s a member of the Northern California Contest Club and a perennial participant in the California QSO party which the NCCC manages . His commitment extends beyond operating to mentoring newcomers and engaging with the broader contesting community to maintain the hobby's viability. Bill’s story is one of rekindled passion and a tribute to his grandfather's influence, showcasing a journey full of learning, community engagement, and the continuous allure of ham radio. Join my conversation with Bill Fehring today on W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio.

    N5OLA, KE3N, MM3UMZ and 3 others like this.
  2. W1COP

    W1COP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Though I think that it is wonderful to carry on the "family" call sign. Another "family" call sign is W1LIC this call has been held by three family members, the original holder Reg Linscott, his son Wes Linscott, AA1CX, who relinquished it so his daughter, Rebecca "Becky" Linscott could hold it. Both Wes and Becky are Extra's. This isn't unusual K1GUQ who holds his grandfathers call and is also a Jerry III, his dad Jerry Jr. holds K1GUP.
    KA0SOH, W1LIC, K2CMC and 4 others like this.
  3. W9HIF

    W9HIF Ham Member QRZ Page

    What a marvelous story. I wish my daughter would get involved.
    KA0SOH, HB9EPC, WA5AZQ and 1 other person like this.
  4. WA5AZQ

    WA5AZQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great story! I'm an operator who's got my grandfather's call. He had a heart attack and lost the use of his legs and amateur radio was his way to get out of the house.
    I love my callsign and I won't ever change it.
    KA0SOH, N1WVQ, K2CMC and 2 others like this.
  5. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK, now you're onto something. Much better content! Who knows W1DED, you might become an "influencer" haHA
    W1DED likes this.
  6. KA0SOH

    KA0SOH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I really enjoyed hearing this story.

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