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FreeDV has joined the Software Freedom Conservancy

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6AQ, Nov 9, 2022.

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  1. KW4AP

    KW4AP Ham Member QRZ Page

    works great for 2m ssb. makes DX rag-chews less tedious and weak signals easier to copy. 8ish years ago we ran it on 2m ssb and found we could easily talk with weak stations without riding the volume/rotator/agc/etc. freedv really should rebrand itself as the right way to enjoy vhf/uhf.

    but then motorola would have to pay to recycle all their old repeaters. literally fascism.
  2. KA9Q

    KA9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    My former Qualcomm boss, N6NKF (SK), used to tell me that in their previous company Linkabit, they had a saying: "modes kill modems".
    AD4ZU likes this.
  3. KA9Q

    KA9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's still pretty good for these very low data rates. As the saying goes, it's not that the elephant dances well, it's that it dances at all that's amazing. Dave Rowe VK5DGR is, as far as I can tell, the world leader (not just in ham radio) in very low bit rate voice compression.
    KF5KWO likes this.
  4. KP4AKB

    KP4AKB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why is Digital voice restricted to SSB frequencies

    Ed KP4AKB/8
  5. K6AQ

    K6AQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the US, at least, it's considered a "phone" mode and regulated as such. YMMV if you live elsewhere, of course.
    AJ4LN and UT7UX like this.
  6. KP4AKB

    KP4AKB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for clearing that up. I do not do FT8 but isn't FT8 connected to audio. At my age all I remember are 6146A's

    Ed Rios
  7. M0FEU

    M0FEU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wouldn't it make sense to create a new digital telephony segment just above digimodes? The reduced bandwidth from Free DV (1 KHz instead of 2.6) would release bandwidth and create more channels for telephony, not to mention freeing up additional bandwidth for digimodes.
    73 de OE6FEG/M0FEU
  8. N3RYB

    N3RYB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's a phone mode. The band segments are phone segments, not SSB segments. AM is allowed in the phone segment, too. SSTV is allowed in the phone segment as well. Should we move digital repeaters to the digital part of the 2M band too? That doesn't make any sense, now does it? :)
    Using an SSB transmitter for digital modes, doesn't make them phone modes. The emission designator for FT8 is J2D.
    How does moving digital voice into the CW/digital segment free up additional bandwidth for digital modes?

    I get it, SSB operators don't want to hear digital voice modes bleating out of their radio. I get it. AMers don't want SSB going all Donald Duck out of their speakers, either. :D
    UT7UX likes this.
  9. KF7LPU

    KF7LPU Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I spent time talking with the FreeDV team at Pacificon this year, and came to the conclusion that without major adoption this just felt like another option in the mix. This speaks to the amateur radio community’s inability to consolidate standards or move on to new more efficient ones when the time is right.
    KK6IPR, UT7UX and N3RYB like this.
  10. M0FEU

    M0FEU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I didn't say move it into the CW/digimodes segment. I meant it would sit at the bottom of the SSB segment, and JUST ABOVE the digimodes segment. 3 Free DV channels need only 3KHz of bandwidth, whereas, 2 SSB channels need 5.2KHz of bandwidth. That means, telephony would gain an extra channel and digimodes would gain 2.2KHz of additional bandwidth. Please correct me if I've made a mistake.
    73 Matt
    UT7UX and N3RYB like this.
  11. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Less bandwidth. I've used DSTAR on HF to the UK multiple times. The nice thing about FreeDV is how little bandwidth it occupies. If you don't care about noise-free reception, and are more of an AM or ESSB operator solely focused on "audio", then neither of these modes would work for you.
    UT7UX likes this.
  12. W0FAA

    W0FAA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would appreciate the IC-7300 settings also. Thanks for sharing.
    My email is good on QRZ.
  13. UT7UX

    UT7UX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Both DV and AM/(E)SSB have their specific weak and strong points. Why one has to join only one camp? :)
    KA9Q and K6AQ like this.
  14. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    You don't.
    KA9Q and UT7UX like this.
  15. KJ8H

    KJ8H Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not meaning to alarm anyone but I downloaded 32 bit and 64 bit versions. AVG reports MalOb-IJ (Cryp) and sent the files to quarantine. Is this a false positive from AVG Anti-virus? Anyone else reporting this?

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