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Foundation exam passed at age 5 years and eleven months old

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G7LRR, Apr 7, 2012.

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  1. K4PDF

    K4PDF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    My son (10 Years old) expressed interest in the hobby at about a year ago, I encouraged the desire and it took him over a year, and he attended two different tech classes, and did a lot of work on his own to learn what he needed to pass the Tech Licence exam about a month ago. No one forced him, no one coached him, he wanted something and ALL the adults he came in contact with encouraged him to chase his wants! He is now learning more and more operationally, and wants to earn his General sometime in the future. Our task as adults is to teach our children, and the young people who express desire to learn that they can, it just takes work, discipline, and desire.
  2. WA6JFK

    WA6JFK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think this is cool and I encourage hams to get the younger generation in involved.

    I have heard some "famous" young hams on the air and they sound like they are "puppets" with someone else in the shack feeding them words etc, and this was not just a one time deal, it seemed to happen over and over and over, so while the young person could pass the test, I am not sure they had the conversational skills to work the radio.........but then again we all know some "old timers" with similar lack of skills.

    In any case, I sure hope this young person really encourages others to get licensed.

  3. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great for 5 years old keep way from my two 4-1000-a kw home brew amp open rack
  4. K8ZBQ

    K8ZBQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Are any bands "G" rated anymore?

    HAM radio is pretty much "R" rated. Of course, we know where the "X" rated bafoons loiter.
  5. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think most of the ham bands are G rated, just not 20 and 75 meter phone.

    I've had parents of far too many prospective young hams inform me that they would never allow their tender vegetation to get on the air and talk to a bunch of old men, without supervision, and profanity is not the reason. We've built a culture where hiding in the bunker is the norm.
  6. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Heck, out here in New Mexico, we have a couple of three year olds working on their General tickets. (One said he could not have done it if they still had CW)
  7. 2E0TWZ

    2E0TWZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great achievement--well done Kayleigh keep up the fine work -one day will make contact with you on the air.
    Regards Noel-2e0twz
  8. KE6ENI

    KE6ENI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I guess you would not train a child to diall 911 aswell in case they need or could provide help to someone else. kids can do exceptional things.

    Also Kids will expose other kids to the hobby and some may be inclined to get in to it as well at a young age, while it is often said "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink" with reference to Ham Radio. some will join the ranks because of it.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
  9. W4HM

    W4HM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Most posts in this thread seem to be placing an emphasis only on the Kayleigh Huntley. What about Steve Tobin, Steve Walsh and Linda Nielsen? Let's congratulate them also!!!

    I have a very bright grand son and grand daughter both of which are 5 years old and they could never think fast enough nor have a command of the english language that would allow them to talk to an adult on the radio without adult supervision.
  10. AG6JU

    AG6JU Guest

    I wish if we in USA also have something like foundation license, most radio can reduce power level, so even 50 watts on VHF, 100 watts on HF should not be problem. I like idea of Foundation license exam to be taken on Web Site.
  11. G1TUK

    G1TUK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very well done kayleigh;

    best wishes g1tuk
  12. G8ADD

    G8ADD Ham Member QRZ Page

    In addition to the Morse component, the course requires on-the-air experience so that the candidates are familiar with the correct procedures and the characteristics of the different bands. Its worth noting that the Intermediate candidates get soldering experience and build a simple project such as a VFO.

    It is true that some FL hams do not upgrade, one that I have worked very frequently is a very fine operator with a good level of knowledge, he is happy to stay with the challenge of QRP.


    Brian G8ADD
  13. G4CPA

    G4CPA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  14. k1krh

    k1krh Guest

    As a new ham, I'm not sure I get all the sarcasm on this and many other forum messages. Perhaps 5 is a bit young, but I know some young people not much older that are fascinated by ham radio and I intend to encourage their interest as much as possible.
    I personally passed my tech (zero wrong) and general (1 wrong) tests on the same day last month. Not because I memorized a list of answers, or because I was "indoctrinated" but because I studied the material. I've also worked in electronics and computers all my life. Now maybe not everyone has joined our hobby this way, but the ones I've met lately and who took their tests with me (3 of whom also passed both tests and one who passed all 3) are all very interested in the hobby.
    At 60 I feel proud of my accomplishment and continue to study with the hope of passing the extra test later this year. I also am learning code. But I've already run into rude hams who assume I'm some how "tainted" because the tests are so "easy" now. It's no wonder that with this sort of "encouragement" on the airwaves that some have quit before really getting started.
  15. W2CYK

    W2CYK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I love young human tricks!!! Gr8 job Kayleigh!!!!

    My son Jesse 4th Generation General at 11...W2EEO...

    Bob W2CYK
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