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Force of Two: In Depth stories from 2 Puerto Rico volunteers on HamRadioNow

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Oct 28, 2017.

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  1. KX4O

    KX4O XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    34. Equipment dispatched with the “Force of 50” to Puerto Rico included data transmission equipment capable of PACTOR 4 operation, but it could not be legally used in the Hurricane Maria disaster relief effort.

    Did the PACTOR 4 modems actually make the trip with the Force of 50?
  2. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    They did not. According to some witnesses, the offers of the Pactor IV modems were declined.
  3. KX4O

    KX4O XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Makes me wonder if the proper cables were offered with the P4 modems.
  4. KM4WUO

    KM4WUO Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mike, you might be referring to modems deployed for ShaRes volunteers at the FEMA EOC rather than the Red Cross HQ used by the Force of Fifty (23) hams. The Red Cross hams never saw the Pactor IV modems. As I recall, the ShaRes volunteers arrived as the Red Cross hams were demobilizing.
  6. KM4WUO

    KM4WUO Ham Member QRZ Page

    They were there before I got there and I was the first of the SHARES folks to get there. I just know the Red Cross folks didn't use them. I think the ham folks passed along a lot of messages even without using the Pactor modems so props to them.
  7. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    The FoF hams used Signal Link sound cards and Winmor unless they could find a cell phone signal. Then they used Telnet.
  8. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

  9. K5WW

    K5WW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Telnet, huh? I'm sure that'll make a whole bunch of old timers chuckle :D
    KP4SX likes this.
  10. KM4WUO

    KM4WUO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I met Gary when I first got down to San Juan. He seemed like a nice enough guy but was evidently involved in some of the drama that occured. Also, one thing he said wasn't really true. It was actually significantly HARDER to send messages thru a Winlink station on the island than thru stations on the mainland. On the occasions when internet was available, it was a lot faster to get e-mails that way than by radio. Winlink via telnet is pretty fast, as it should be. Problem was, internet was broken far more than it was working for most of the island. That, and power was so unstable it clobbered a bunch of stuff even in the EOC. Next outing, I will have a surge suppressor. I was lucky this time. I used my powerpack connected to a wall wart to run my radios. I figured if the wall wart got clobbered, it'd be $15 to replace. Blowing a power supply would be around $100.

    Like all of us that went down, there was some bizarre stuff to see. But mostly it was just broken stuff everywhere.
    KP4SX and KG7LEA like this.
  11. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

  12. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    The report is not dated. I cannot tell when the report was released. Two of the documents within are dated January 30, 2018. The report came up in a web search and does not appear to be available through the League web site.

    Of particular note is Oscar Resto’s KP4RF account of local hams and how they organized and responded.

    The report mentions The need to vet volunteers several times. There is a comment on p. 27 at the end of paragraph 2, “It was in the staging area that the first indications emerged that there could be issues with the volunteers working together.”

    Page 27 ends with the volunteers departing Atlanta implying that the league handed off all responsibility for the volunteers.

    An ARRL manager did not arrive until ten days later and then deployed to the FEMA EOC rather than in a position to manage the volunteers. The Sequence of Events jumps from issuance of Ham Aid kits in Atlanta to the completion of the mission. Operational and management issues during the deployment are not addressed probably because the league feels it was not their responsibility.

    Training and vetting of volunteers is mentioned several times as issues that need to be improved upon. Better coordination with the served agency is acknowledged.
    K6CLS and KX4O like this.
  13. N8NOE

    N8NOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    KX4O likes this.
  14. N8NOE

    N8NOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    This one is FREE, All you have to do is Poke Around.. Also information on Decoding Winlink..

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