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Florida YSF Reflector

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC9HTA, Feb 6, 2021.

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  1. KC9HTA

    KC9HTA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have a new YSF Reflector running right now: 59737

    Feel free to check it out and connect with us.
  2. K4ILG

    K4ILG Ham Member QRZ Page


    Just curious as to why a ham in Missouri is hosting a reflector for Florida. What is the purpose of the "room"? A few of us who are experimenting with YSF hotspots over here in Melbourne, FL are using it to talk and check our setups. I hope that is okay. Thanks & 73.
  3. KC9HTA

    KC9HTA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey there,

    I used to live in FL and had the link down for a while on the VPS. Use it as you deem fit, no worries there. I travel a lot for work and forgot to bring a radio and hotspot on this trip.
    K4ILG likes this.
  4. BOYER

    BOYER QRZ Member

    Hosting your reflector at home can work well, there are significant advantages to hosting “in the cloud”. Using “cloud services” you can host your reflector on a “rented” computer in a commercial hosting center.
  5. BOYER

    BOYER QRZ Member

    Using “cloud services” you can host your reflector on a “rented” computer in a commercial hosting center

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