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Florida Amateur Two-Meter User Survey

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W9CR, Jan 11, 2023.

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  1. W9CR

    W9CR Ham Member QRZ Page

    FASMA Two-Meter Survey

    The Florida Amateur Spectrum Management Association (FASMA), is soliciting input from amateurs in Florida regarding the current use of the Two-Meter Band. As part of this, FASMA undertook extensive research into the history of amateur Two-Meter operations.

    A video summary of this research was also produced. Many early decisions and equipment limitations shaped our present use of the use of the Two-Meter band. FASMA seeks to understand how amateurs are using Two-Meters in their current operations.

    We want input from all users; voice, weak-signal, repeaters, packet, satellite and experimental.

    FASMA has created a brief survey open to all Two-Meter users in Florida.
    Please register and take it at this link.

    The survey will run through the 2022/2023 and will help us understand if the current band plan fits actual use. The survey is 25 questions and should take no more than 15 minutes. We’ll publish our findings in 2023.

    In the spirit of discussion FASMA has a public email list that any interested party may join.
    W6KJB, AC7DD, N3RYB and 3 others like this.
  2. VK3UA

    VK3UA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would have thought that the national body (ARRL) would undertake these kinds of things?
    K8NY, N4FZ and G3UHN like this.
  3. W6FRD

    W6FRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ok so i viewed the video by W9CR it is well done, except for occasional cough lol, it’s kind of walk thru amateur history to the present, its also a wake up call to guard, and protect our ham privileges. W6FRD.
    AC4DX, KO4ZQW and N4FZ like this.
  4. K4XJ

    K4XJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is not a survey or anything else. They want to see how much people are using the 2 meter band so the FCC can see if they cant take more of the Amateur bands away.
    W6KJB, K0ACS, N9NY and 2 others like this.
  5. WA8ZYT

    WA8ZYT Ham Member QRZ Page

    FASMA is not the FCC, nor affiliated with it.
    KG4Y, W4ABC, W4POT and 1 other person like this.
  6. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL is a national representative for amateur radio not just for Florida. If there was a similar interest in the rest of the country it may be something for the ARRL to consider.

    Certainly the ham population in Florida or any other state are free to initiate a survey.
    WB0OUX, W9EBE, AI8S and 1 other person like this.
  7. W4KVW

    W4KVW Ham Member QRZ Page

    ARRL = Amateur Radios Real Losers. They are a JOKE & a bad one.

    KF4KUL, W3DO and KY5U like this.
  8. KD2ANN

    KD2ANN Ham Member QRZ Page

    It would be interesting to have a survey done for each state.
    KI4UTM, AI8S, KA1BSZ and 1 other person like this.
  9. N3RYB

    N3RYB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Do you have any proof of this? :rolleyes:
    KG4Y, K7BEN, W4ABC and 2 others like this.
  10. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    the FASMA, ARRL, and the FCC should do a survey of the 2-meter band in Vermont and New Hampshire. They will find out that the 2-meter band in both states is hardly ever used. 2-meters used to be the hams social network back in the 70's to the 90s. Anytime you wanted someone to talk to while driving, just drop your call and someone would most always come back to you. Today, if you had a life-or-death emergency and you got on 2 meters, you could for help until hell freezes over. Nobody is on there and if they are monitoring, they won't answer any calls. I used to monitor every night our local repeater, 145.330 pl 100 moose mountain repeater of the twin state radio club, but
    why? no bodies on 2-meters anymore, at least in Vermont.
    not anymore. No one there to talk to.
    W3DO likes this.
  11. KD2ANN

    KD2ANN Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is still a hardy handful still here in New Jersey but not much the amount of use 30+ years ago.
    W4ISZ and KA1BSZ like this.
  12. KI4IMN

    KI4IMN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm in Florida and it gets used a good bit around my area
    N7ITA and W4ISZ like this.
  13. KG3I

    KG3I Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm in eastern pa and there is very little 2 meter activity around here unless you count ker chunking hihi.
    K0TWA and W3DO like this.
  14. K4XJ

    K4XJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you have proof they are not?
    N7SLD likes this.
  15. WA3GWK

    WA3GWK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm on the gulf coast of Alabama. There is a good amount of activity on 2 meters across the north gulf coast from Florida to Texas. This includes SSB, FM, and FT-8. There are groups active on SSB and FM daily.
    KB9GHN and KA1BSZ like this.

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