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First Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch since 2005

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AD0IU, May 10, 2024.

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  1. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Listening to SSB QSOs on 20 and they indeed sound distorted and fluttery - like 6m when it opens to the East Coast from here.

    FT8 on 15 and 20 is very distorted sounding.

    Weird stuff

    VU2JO, AB2T, W8TJM and 1 other person like this.
  2. W0JKT

    W0JKT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    10m now, some strong signals, including DX and some paths in the US. We have very high flux level due to the solar storms. After blackouts, sometimes the best conditions since solar flux is so high and 10m less affected. Odd 10m seems less affected from some locations than 6m in their contest.
    VU2JO likes this.
  3. VK2WP

    VK2WP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Had a 40M CW qso just a little while back. Signals ok but a lot of deep fades to nothingness at times. Saturday morning here so will be interesting to see how things pan out.

    Higher bands seem dead.
    VU2JO likes this.
  4. W5EBB

    W5EBB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    VU2JO likes this.
  5. W0JKT

    W0JKT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The HP30 index now has us at Most Severe G5 level or KP of over 9 we have now hit 11 but there is no G6 off the scales. The HP30 looks back 30 minutes vs the more known KP which look back 3 hours.

    Yet I am hearing strong signals from my NY remote on 40m nets from much of the US.
    VU2JO likes this.
  6. W5EBB

    W5EBB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Check out WWV at 10.000 MHz - very warbly and distorted at times.
    VU2JO likes this.
  7. AE1P

    AE1P XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Check out WWV at 10.000 MHz - very warbly and distorted at times.

    Not hearing WWV on 3 different 40m antenna's in NH right now... nadda
    VU2JO and W5EBB like this.
  8. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    extreme noise and nothing else on 6m from CM87
  9. AD5CL

    AD5CL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Lol. Trying to explain this to wife who has never known anything or cared to know about such. 30 yr old son knows almost less. He is convinced it will cause global disastrophe and the gummint is lying about it. ROFLMDAO.

    Disclaimer: If you had what I know about it in yer eyes it wouldn’t hurt. Heh heh

    Gonna throw up a wire and have a listen on the bottom of 40.
  10. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    good times ahead.
    VU2JO likes this.
  11. KC1SZS

    KC1SZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is WWV?
    VU2JO likes this.
  12. KC1SZS

    KC1SZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just heard this was the strongest since 1983.
  13. WB8VLC

    WB8VLC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lots of readable SSB from the Northern Cal border near Oregon upp to Central BC Canada on 50.125 SSB now
  14. AD5CL

    AD5CL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

  15. WL7PM

    WL7PM Ham Member QRZ Page

    traded in my tinfoil for LEAD foil.
    ( Going down in the battery bunker now, see ya's after the storm.... maybe )
    VU2JO likes this.

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