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FCC license numbers 3/15/05

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K3UD, Mar 15, 2005.

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  1. K3UD

    K3UD Guest

    Total number of USA Licensed Amateurs by Class

    As of May 14, 2000:

    Novice - 49,329
    Tech/+ - 334254
    General - 112,677
    Advanced - 99,782
    Extra - 78,750

    Total all classes - 674,792

    As of March 15, 2005

    Novice - 29,098 (-41.02%) (-20,231)
    Total/+ - 318,387 (-4.74%) (-15,867)
    General - 137,334 (+21.88%) (+24,657)
    Advanced - 77,035 (-22.80%) (-22,747)
    Extra - 106,238 (+34.91%) (+27,488)

    Total All Classes - 668,163

    Total all classes (5/14/00) - 674,792
    Total all Classes (4/21/03) - 687,860
    Total all classes (9/6/04 ) - 674,788
    Total all classes (2/15/05) - 668,163

    Total loss of 6,629 since 5/14/2000 ( Was 674,792)
    Total loss of 6,625 since 9/6/2004 ( Was 674,788)
    Total Loss of 19,697 since 4/2003 (all time high of 687,860)

    For the 8th straight reporting period, all classes except for Extra declined. There was a net loss of 618 licensees in this reporting period from the last reporting period.

    From the last reporting period, We lost:

    139 Novices
    287 Tech - Tech+
    151 Generals
    175 Advanced

    We gained:
    71 Extras

    Net Loss: 681 since 2/28/05

    The base totals are from implementation of the then new licensing changes in May 2000. September 6, 2004 is the date I started measuring the changes. The peak number was in April 2003.

  2. WB3DJL

    WB3DJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do these numbers include Silent Keys??...and if not, is there any info on that number?
  3. N9LYA

    N9LYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is the significance...??
    Or I mean your point???

    Not trying to start an argument...

    For every 10 hams I bet 7 are either inactive or only slightly active in Radio...

    Some only tyo the point thatthey use the local repeater for nets only...

    And for those who are so active ham radio is all they do.... i am sure there are some of thoses..

    Just unclear..
    Maybe you were just showing stats???

    best 73 Jerry n9lya
  4. K9PO

    K9PO Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. K9AUB

    K9AUB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Unfortunately, the increase in Extra Class licensees doesn't mean much. When you simplify the test, spoon-feed the answers, and reduce the code requirements, you will naturally show an increase in Extra Class. When/if they completely remove code requirements, you'll see an even bigger jump. 10-4, Good Buddy, fer sure, fer sure.
  6. KB7UXE

    KB7UXE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I thimk K9AUB pretty well summed it up..
    If you dumb up the test,,,,,,
    well lets just say certin things are obvious......
    Dan, kb7uxe.

    Ya know what they say:
    I may be slow but,,,,,,,
    well ok i'm slow....
  7. KC7JTY

    KC7JTY Banned QRZ Page

        I like your signature. (song) Do do do do do, doot da do, livin in the USA.
  8. KC7JTY

    KC7JTY Banned QRZ Page

    When the upper portions of the WTC towers fell they started out slowly, then their velocity steadily increased their downward trend till there was none.
  9. K3UD

    K3UD Guest

    I suspect that there are a fair number of Silent Keys within the numbers as a whole. While someone may be a silent key, his or her license may still be unexpired and counted as active in the database. There seems to be no way of knowing how many silent keys are represented in the active database.

    These numbers are from the FCC datbase and only unexpired licenses are counted. As I understand it, licenses in their grace period are not counted.

    As to why I post them:

    I have been interested in the numbers and trends since the early 90s and like to track them. The postings on QRZ started in September of 2004 on the T&O forum and are posted at 15 day periods, give or take a few days. After receiving a good amount of comment that this should really be in the Ham Radio News forum
    I submitted it for publication here.

  10. AC3P

    AC3P Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is a problem with a 10 year renewal system.

    Lots of op's are silent keys but the relatives don't think or know to report it to the FCC.

    The result is that the numbers have a greater margin for error.

    The 5 year license term would probably been a bit more accurate.

    There was a move for lifetime license terms. That would really skew the numbers.

    At our exam sessions we usually get at least one new licensee per session. For us that's 6 per year as we test ever other month.
  11. n4vox

    n4vox Guest

    Silent keys. There were silent keys whose license was still shown active in any of the older numbers that you are comparing with. So they are not a significant variable at any other time.

    In fact with the average longivity increasing, the number of silent keys with active licenses is probably decreasing.

    gill, n4vox
  12. KV9R

    KV9R Ham Member QRZ Page

    When I was in California (Bay Area) the VHF/UHF activity was very good, I was on every day with take nets, fox hunts and etc... I now live in the midwest (Indiana) and the activity here is nil... Haven't bothered with anything above 10 meters in a year. If I were a Tech I'd feel very little incentive for ham radio here and have no opportunity to learn good operating skills. How does one get skills on CW when there is no one to talk to on the bands your allowed to operate?
    Just a thought... Dyan  KV9R ...
    Novice 58 ->
    Tech 59 ->
    General 59 ->
    Extra 02 -> ?
  13. KA7RRA

    KA7RRA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think you should take on the task of sending out letters to every ham that is listed, and get their current status and help the FCC update thier records
  14. V73NS

    V73NS Guest

    Of the new Tech's, I would bet that their numbers would show the most inactive hams. Just listen to the local repeater and do a mental count of all the "new" hams from last summer that are no longer heard from.

    When incentive licensing was done away with, there was little reason to upgrade. Unless the Tech ticket ignites a flame within them, they will go QRT about the time the battery pack on their HT wears out.

    This DOES NOT mean we should “dumb down” even more and give away HF access.

    What it does mean is these folks need to be invited out to Field Day and encouraged to join a club, attend gathering and see what the hobby has to offer beyond the FM repeater fishbowl. Only then will they find their groove and motivation to seek an upgrade. The code stops only the lazy. It’s easy to be an Elmer… invite them to your shack, show them what it is you enjoy in the hobby and how you do it. Speak at the local club meetings and share your knowledge with them, I bet some of the new folks will come up and ask more questions. Cast the hook, you’ll catch their interest!

    My hometown club in Michigan makes learning the code easy. Code classes are conducted on the repeater for free and the same classes are offered on CD for a very low price!

    The future is ours to shape.
  15. K6IRP

    K6IRP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well said----- breaker 19-------
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