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FCC/ARRL Presentation - CONDENSED, from HamRadioNow

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Sep 16, 2024.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    tl;dr - HamRadioNow has posted a CONDENSED (30 minute) edit of a 2-hour
    FCC Q&A video from a radio club meeting last January.

    Last January, the 21 Repeater Group in Harrisburg PA hosted a half-dozen FCC representatives and some ARRL brass for a Q&A session at their monthly club luncheon. Two names you've probably heard were Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH and Laura Smith, the past and current FCC Counsels for Amateur Radio enforcement.

    Wait... what? When was the last time your radio club got a bunch of FCC people over to talk shop?

    I came across the video of the event (posted on the How I Do It YouTube Channel) a while ago. I think I was looking up stuff on GMRS linking, which was discussed at the event. Initially I was just jealous that the 21 Group had the juice to bring in these people for a bigger presentation than we've seen even at the Dayton Hamvention. It slowly dawned on me how significant this event was. We never get this kind of informaton and detail from the FCC. For example: what is the pecking order for FCC enforcement? What are the specific steps from field investigation to formal charges?

    But the video has only received about 4500 views, even after being discussed on the Ham Radio Crash Course show. Seems to me that every active ham in the US would be interested in this presentation.

    Well, it is almost two hours long. And frankly some of it is meandering and hard to follow. So I employed my video editing talent (something rarely applied to my own content on HamRadioNow) to edit the video down to a crisp 30 minutes, and uploaded that to YouTube (below). I even created an index in the YouTube description, which makes Chapters in the video timeline so you can get directly to the many specific topics discussed. That's not to say there's nothing of value in the 80 minutes I left out. I encourage you to see the whole video if you can. But here you'll get the lean meat of the presentation.

    HamRadioNow episodes are also available as audio podcasts on your favorite podcast app or on our website.
    N2JOV and W9EBE like this.
  2. KN6SD

    KN6SD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting eye-opening video, Thanks for posting Gary.

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