2023 photos - Fair Radio and Dayton hamfest - Thursday and Friday https://photos.app.goo.gl/2ibr3ff7UsdC7n7U8 Lots of vintage gear including Johnson Rangers $100 each plus buy-one, get-one-free.
Thanks for posting the images. Talk about echos of times past. My feet hurt just looking at the images.
Yeah I saw that pile of Johnson Rangers, for $100 your pick. That was something and then I think the next day was the two for one. Attendance on Friday looked really good, Saturday might had been down just a bit. Great WX in the daytime. 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
All that vintage gear, wow! Thanks once again for such comprehensive photo-taking. (I've seen your coverage of previous hamfests around the eastern region) I have cross-posted to an AM group on Facebook, with regards. www.facebook.com/groups/amodgroup
All I have now is a TS-480 that sounds like a Johnson Ranger... I am not worthy for the AM gods. Gee, I wish I could have pick up the 2 for 1 deal there...
Charles! I don't know if your TS-480 is in the same audio class as the Ranger, but I bet it can sound good, especially knowing you have an ear for it (from your recent receiver reviews). And, in my experience, quite a continuum of audio quality accompanies people visiting or taking up roost in this part of the hobby. Not a lot of judgment goes on, unless the person really wants to explore that topic regarding their radio. A great proportion of the enjoyment of AM on HF comes from the interaction, brand of rig come-what-may. In this clip, I busted into a raft-up of tall ships, using a 5 watt, $125 transceiver known as the Nouveau 75. Your sort of rig! But you probably ought to maximize your antenna array. I think being underpowered and undermodulated is the most difficult way to join an AM QSO. But do try, sometime, won't you? https://archive.org/details/nouveau-75-3873
The Nouveau sounds pretty nice with your Sennheiser. I am going to look into one of those. Certainly, cheap enough.. lol I guess I could run it into a Heathkit amp. The Nouveau sounds surprisingly nice.
Does anybody have the contact to the guy who was selling the retractable antenna? I stopped by at the end of the show Sunday and he wasn't around (I think he was probably already at the prize drawing with everybody else). It's in this picture https://photos.app.goo.gl/M31KkYRpYHJqVu1G6
Thanks, Nickā¦ I enjoyed the walk thru some old memories.. And, I am glad you are still fanning the Boatanchors flame! I do miss those days,,, 73, Larry Keith, KQ4B (From long ago!)