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Everything you need to know about POTA, Starting Guide

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5AHJ, Sep 28, 2023.

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  1. N3RYB

    N3RYB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Somewhere in the string of three dozen "CQ parks on the air" please put your call sign in. Come up for air on between once in a while. See if you have stomped over top of someone or if someone wants to respond. Hard to tell if you are keyed down for over a minute? :)
    AE0Q and KR3DX like this.
  2. KE0TFY

    KE0TFY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just as courtesy if I start transmitting on a net freq. and someone calls and says a net is starting in 10 minutes.....I will move, no problem but I get it.
    W5ARM and KB6WJA like this.
  3. KE0TFY

    KE0TFY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I try to do that.
    W5ARM and N3RYB like this.
  4. AE8EM

    AE8EM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Your point is valid and correct. Well, then I also have comment about hunters. When the say "I know you gave your call and park # a bunch of times, but can you give it to me again.":eek: I intend to give call sign and park number after EVERY QSO! The only time I don't is when I'm finishing with a caller and then another caller(or callers) calls out before I have a chance to give call sign and park. I don't mind giving call and park again but whatever happened to....Listen, listen and listen some more before transmitting.
  5. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is the lack of callsigns and park info really a problem? I can't say I've ever heard an activator not providing that at least every couple QSOs (and that was when dealing with a pileup). I make an effort to put out my callsign and location info often, but even folks that aren't as obsessive as myself do it plenty often for me to understand who they are and where they're operating from. And, if not, it takes no effort to ask. :)

    Sounds like tempest in a teapot to me.

    WT3S and AE8EM like this.
  6. NW9F

    NW9F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why would you throw out your call to a station if you did not know who you were attempting to contact? Just asking... Listen, listen, listen was beat in to my head as a new operator.
    KD9YOD, KA0HCP and K1CWB like this.
  7. KQ4GUI

    KQ4GUI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Some ops don't ID every 10 minutes so I have to ask.
    K0DUC and KE0GXN like this.
  8. NW9F

    NW9F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Frank, It is your activation. You run it the way you want to run it within the parameters of acceptable operating practices and don't worry about what some Geritol Tom complains about. #POTAon
    KD9YOD and KO4YQE like this.
  9. M0TTQ

    M0TTQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    This has become a deeply silly thread but in related news, someone timed T22T at over 20 minutes between IDs last night on 10m CW.
    DX operations have always gone far longer between IDs than POTA activators, very few of whom seem not to ID frequently enough in my experience.
    AE0Q and AE0PL like this.
  10. K0DUC

    K0DUC Ham Member QRZ Page

    What at the big station, I sit back in my recliner and smoke cigars and take it easy, always getting the operator's ID before I even call out to them. Before I even make the contact, I have the frequency and call sign written down to finish the log. So, when you sit and are ready to take that call sign and try to fight the pile up, and you sit and wait for 10 minutes and watch the clock, you do realize some of these guys are only giving their ID sometimes at 10 minute stretches. Even then, some operators seem bothered when people ask, and many seem to think it is a nuisance and attempt to run through their callsign as fast and sloppy as possible, so you still can't get it.

    It isn't one POTA operator, or just one or two, it has been more than a few. I don't now why, but it is. To the point that anyone who has tried to hunt casually will even notice it.
  11. AE0PL

    AE0PL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed. On a daily basis I hear cw ops call CQ SK, MST and quite a few others call CQ on top of a POTA operator that had been occupying a frequency for half an hour or more. Seemingly without waiting to listen if that frequency is actually in use. POTA has brought a lot of new ops out of the woodwork in recent years. Myself included. As a side note I can only express my opinion on the nasty habit of smoking. Smoking is bad for your health. duh.... And it is annoying to others that like to breathe clean air. There is nothing cool about smoking. Period.
  12. KD4LT

    KD4LT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    How can you call someone if you dont know there call . Hay You
  13. KL5IA

    KL5IA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hay you might work, but if you use a descriptor it may help.
  14. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I listen to the activators and I listen to them giving the park umber or callsign and once i have all that info then and only then do i key up and make contact.....I was always taught to LISTEN,LISTEN,LISTEN.

    Sometimes ill bring up the POTA website to see what frequency they are on and then i will copy the callsign and park number.........nothing is perfect in amateur radio, nothing is perfect. But there will always be the nay sayers and haters out there who feel life is not complete unless they are complaining about something.

    one thing is for certain , if you do not like what you hear ...turn the damn radio off and go back to watching porn
    KD9YOD, VK1CAT, WR2E and 1 other person like this.
  15. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    por que no los dos?


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